This repository contains a comprehensive setup for deploying a Node.js implementation of a simple API that returns the current time in JSON format, alongside a robust cloud infrastructure consisting of a private Google Kubernetes Engine cluster and others, built using terraform. The deployed cluster is monitored by Google Cloud's Stackdriver Kubernetes Engine Monitoring & Logging, as well as Managed Prometheus services.
The application and infrastructure deployment is automated using a GitHub Actions workflow which includes jobs that builds and tests the Node.js application, lints the helm charts, builds and pushes the application image to a private Google Container Registry, deploys the infrastructure, and exposes the API.
- Google Cloud Platform account
- Google Cloud Storage Bucket (to store terraform state files)
- Google Cloud SDK
- Google Cloud Workload Identity Provider setup for GitHub OIDC authentication in pipelines
- Terraform
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Node.js
- Yarn
- GitHub
|____deploy.yaml # CI/CD pipeline
|____api # Node.js app
|____terraform # Terraform template and modules
|____config.tfvars # Configuration
|____modules # Terraform modules
|____app # Sets up kubernetes resources in cluster
|____helm # Helm chart for the app
|____bastion # Sets up bastion node
|____cluster # Creates GKE cluster
|____firewall # Configures firewall
|____iam # Sets up service accounts and configures role bindings
|____vpc # Sets up network, subnet, NAT
: This directory contains the Node.js API, which serves a simple endpoint that returns the current server time in JSON format. -
: This directory contains all Terraform configurations and modules necessary to deploy the required cloud infrastructure. The setup includes a private Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster, a bastion node, and various supporting services.
- Install Google Cloud SDK
- Initialize gcloud CLI and authenticate:
gcloud init
- Create storage bucket:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member="$OWNER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT" --role=storage.buckets.create
- Create OIDC service account:
gcloud iam service-accounts create $OIDC_SERVICEACCOUNT_NAME --project="$PROJECT_ID" --description="$DESCRIPTION" --display-name="$DISPLAY_NAME"
- Apply required roles to OIDC service account:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member="serviceAccount:$OIDC_SERVICEACCOUNT_ID" --role="$ROLE"
- Roles include:
roles/compute.admin, roles/container.admin, roles/storage.admin, roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin, roles/iam.roleAdmin, roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin, roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator and roles/iam.serviceAccountUser
- Create workload identity pools:
gcloud iam workload-identity-pools create $POOL_NAME --project="$PROJECT_ID" --location="global" --display-name="$DISPLAY_NAME" --description="$DESCRIPTION"
- Create workload identity pool provider:
gcloud iam workload-identity-pools providers create-oidc $PROVIDER_NAME --project="$PROJECT_ID" --location="global" --workload-identity-pool="$POOL_NAME" --display-name="$DISPLAY_NAME" --attribute-mapping="google.subject=assertion.sub,,attribute.aud=assertion.aud,attribute.repository=assertion.repository" --issuer-uri=""
- Authorize Github Repository:
gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding $OIDC_SA_ID --project="$PROJECT_ID" --role="roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" --member="principalSet://${WORKLOAD_IDENTITY_POOL_ID}/attribute.repository/${REPO}"
- Create a new branch with the format
- Fill in the required values at
- Add the REGISTRY, PROJECT_ID as secrets
- Create a merge request to the main branch, and ask for approval
- After approval, the cluster will be deployed
- Clone this repository
- Authorize docker to access GCR
gcloud auth configure-docker
- Build and push the docker image at
- Update the terraform backend file at
with your cloud storage bucket name - Fill in the required variable values at
- In your terminal, change directory to the terraform root
cd terraform
- Initialize Terraform
terraform init
- Generate a Terraform execution plan
terraform plan -var-file="config/config.tfvars" -out="tfplan"
- Apply the terraform plan:
terraform apply tfplan
- Once deployed, copy the generated
and test the deployment by runningcurl --fail http://$INGRESS_LOADBALANCER_IP/time || exit 1
Name | Description | Source | Version |
vpc | Deploys a network, subnet, a Cloud NAT router and Gateway for the cluster | | main |
iam | Creates service accounts for the bastion node and cluster, and assigns required roles using the least privilege principle | | main |
bastion | Deploys a bastion node with access to the private cluster | | main |
cluster | Deploys a private cluster (with public endpoints, for the purpose of this demo), also enables monitoring, logging and maintenance on the cluster | | main |
firewall | Applies firewall rules for security | | main |
ingress-nginx | Deploys an NGINX loadbalancer on the cluster | | main |
cert-manager | Deploys cert-manager which helps to manage ssl certificates via letsencrypt | | main |
app | Deploys the target namespace, deployment service and ingress resources, for the containerized application on the cluster | | main |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
cluster_name | The name to be assigned to the GKE cluster | string |
n/a | yes |
project_id | The GCP project ID to host the cluster in | string |
n/a | yes |
network_project_id | The GCP project ID to house the VPC network. (for shared vpc support) | string |
n/a | yes |
region | The region to host the cluster in | string |
europe-west2 | no |
release_channel | The release channel of this cluster, which provides more control over automatic upgrades of your cluster. Accepted values are UNSPECIFIED , RAPID , REGULAR , STABLE and EXTENDED |
string |
image_repository | GCR image repository for containing the application image | string |
n/a | yes |
image_tag | Application image tag | string |
n/a | yes |
app_name | Application deployment name | string |
n/a | yes |
app_env | Application environment (production or staging) | string |
n/a | yes |
app_namespace | The kubernetes namespace to deploy the application to | string |
n/a | yes |
replica_count | The pod replica count for the deployment | number |
1 | no |
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Change directory
cd api
- Install dependencies
yarn install
- Compile the TypeScript files
yarn build:tsc
- Fill the environment variables in
- Run the application
yarn start:tsc
- Trigger a GET command to
assuming the selected port is 3000
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Change directory
cd api
- Build and run the application
docker-compose up--build
- Trigger a GET command to