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Interview exercise submission for Shortlet Cloud Engineering role

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Current Time API

This repository contains a comprehensive setup for deploying a Node.js implementation of a simple API that returns the current time in JSON format, alongside a robust cloud infrastructure consisting of a private Google Kubernetes Engine cluster and others, built using terraform. The deployed cluster is monitored by Google Cloud's Stackdriver Kubernetes Engine Monitoring & Logging, as well as Managed Prometheus services.

The application and infrastructure deployment is automated using a GitHub Actions workflow which includes jobs that builds and tests the Node.js application, lints the helm charts, builds and pushes the application image to a private Google Container Registry, deploys the infrastructure, and exposes the API.


  • Google Cloud Platform account
  • Google Cloud Storage Bucket (to store terraform state files)
  • Google Cloud SDK
  • Google Cloud Workload Identity Provider setup for GitHub OIDC authentication in pipelines
  • Terraform
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Node.js
  • Yarn
  • GitHub

Repository Sturcture

                |____deploy.yaml                # CI/CD pipeline
|____api                                        # Node.js app
|____terraform                                  # Terraform template and modules
                |____config.tfvars              # Configuration
        |____modules                            # Terraform modules
                |____app                        # Sets up kubernetes resources in cluster
                        |____helm               # Helm chart for the app
                |____bastion                    # Sets up bastion node
                |____cluster                    # Creates GKE cluster
                |____firewall                   # Configures firewall
                |____iam                        # Sets up service accounts and configures role bindings
                |____vpc                        # Sets up network, subnet, NAT 
  • /api: This directory contains the Node.js API, which serves a simple endpoint that returns the current server time in JSON format.

  • /terraform: This directory contains all Terraform configurations and modules necessary to deploy the required cloud infrastructure. The setup includes a private Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster, a bastion node, and various supporting services.

How To Set Up OpenID Connect For GitHub Actions

  • Install Google Cloud SDK
  • Initialize gcloud CLI and authenticate: gcloud init
  • Create storage bucket: gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member="$OWNER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT" --role=storage.buckets.create
  • Create OIDC service account: gcloud iam service-accounts create $OIDC_SERVICEACCOUNT_NAME --project="$PROJECT_ID" --description="$DESCRIPTION" --display-name="$DISPLAY_NAME"
  • Apply required roles to OIDC service account: gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member="serviceAccount:$OIDC_SERVICEACCOUNT_ID" --role="$ROLE"
  • Roles include: roles/compute.admin, roles/container.admin, roles/storage.admin, roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin, roles/iam.roleAdmin, roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin, roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator and roles/iam.serviceAccountUser
  • Create workload identity pools: gcloud iam workload-identity-pools create $POOL_NAME --project="$PROJECT_ID" --location="global" --display-name="$DISPLAY_NAME" --description="$DESCRIPTION"
  • Create workload identity pool provider: gcloud iam workload-identity-pools providers create-oidc $PROVIDER_NAME --project="$PROJECT_ID" --location="global" --workload-identity-pool="$POOL_NAME" --display-name="$DISPLAY_NAME" --attribute-mapping="google.subject=assertion.sub,,attribute.aud=assertion.aud,attribute.repository=assertion.repository" --issuer-uri=""
  • Authorize Github Repository: gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding $OIDC_SA_ID --project="$PROJECT_ID" --role="roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" --member="principalSet://${WORKLOAD_IDENTITY_POOL_ID}/attribute.repository/${REPO}"


How To Use This Automation

  • Create a new branch with the format deploy/${cluster-name}
  • Fill in the required values at terraform/config/config.tfvars
  • Add the REGISTRY, PROJECT_ID as secrets
  • Create a merge request to the main branch, and ask for approval
  • After approval, the cluster will be deployed

How To Run This Automation Locally

  • Clone this repository
  • Authorize docker to access GCR gcloud auth configure-docker
  • Build and push the docker image at api
  • Update the terraform backend file at terraform/ with your cloud storage bucket name
  • Fill in the required variable values at terraform/config/config.tfvars
  • In your terminal, change directory to the terraform root cd terraform
  • Initialize Terraform terraform init
  • Generate a Terraform execution plan terraform plan -var-file="config/config.tfvars" -out="tfplan"
  • Apply the terraform plan: terraform apply tfplan
  • Once deployed, copy the generated ingress_loadbalancer_ip and test the deployment by running curl --fail http://$INGRESS_LOADBALANCER_IP/time || exit 1


Name Description Source Version
vpc Deploys a network, subnet, a Cloud NAT router and Gateway for the cluster main
iam Creates service accounts for the bastion node and cluster, and assigns required roles using the least privilege principle main
bastion Deploys a bastion node with access to the private cluster main
cluster Deploys a private cluster (with public endpoints, for the purpose of this demo), also enables monitoring, logging and maintenance on the cluster main
firewall Applies firewall rules for security main
ingress-nginx Deploys an NGINX loadbalancer on the cluster main
cert-manager Deploys cert-manager which helps to manage ssl certificates via letsencrypt main
app Deploys the target namespace, deployment service and ingress resources, for the containerized application on the cluster main


Name Description Type Default Required
cluster_name The name to be assigned to the GKE cluster string n/a yes
project_id The GCP project ID to host the cluster in string n/a yes
network_project_id The GCP project ID to house the VPC network. (for shared vpc support) string n/a yes
region The region to host the cluster in string europe-west2 no
release_channel The release channel of this cluster, which provides more control over automatic upgrades of your cluster. Accepted values are UNSPECIFIED, RAPID, REGULAR, STABLE and EXTENDED string UNSPECIFIED no
image_repository GCR image repository for containing the application image string n/a yes
image_tag Application image tag string n/a yes
app_name Application deployment name string n/a yes
app_env Application environment (production or staging) string n/a yes
app_namespace The kubernetes namespace to deploy the application to string n/a yes
replica_count The pod replica count for the deployment number 1 no


How To Run Locally

  • Clone this repository git clone
  • Change directory cd api
  • Install dependencies yarn install
  • Compile the TypeScript files yarn build:tsc
  • Fill the environment variables in .env referencing .env.example
  • Run the application yarn start:tsc
  • Trigger a GET command to http://localhost:3000/api/v1/time assuming the selected port is 3000

How To Run Using Docker Compose

  • Clone this repository git clone
  • Change directory cd api
  • Build and run the application docker-compose up--build
  • Trigger a GET command to http://localhost:3000/api/v1/time


Interview exercise submission for Shortlet Cloud Engineering role






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