In this repo, I will post the solutions of multiple code katas related to Test Driven Development.
In the article below, you could find the motivation of doing code katas. More specifically, to increase your skill with TDD.
Fizzbuzz (Java)
100 Doors (Java)
The Twelve Days XMas Song (Java)
ABC Blocks (Java)
Align Columns (Java)
Anagrams (Java)
Array Shuffle (Java)
Bowling Game (Java)
ISBN Checker (Java)
In these websites you would be able to find more katas
- Java 16
- Junit 5.7
To run the tests correspondent to a concrete kata
Go to the appropriate directory
Run Tests
TODO - Setup command for Java
More languages will be added if possible. Although I will try to solve all I can using Java for learning reasons.
Hope you understand.
Contributions are always welcome!
Make a pull request whenever you want and message me on Twitter to review it!