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QR Scanner CLI

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QR Scanner CLI is a project that can resolve any QR code from an image on your desktop.


Installation is done using the npm install command:

npm i -g qr-scanner-cli


$ qrscanner <input file>

New Demo Gif


Access all available and updated options passing the --help argument:

qrscanner --help

A view of the options at release v1.0.0:

--clear, -c  Clear output, just print the QR Code scan result
--clipboard, -p  copy the qr code value to your clipboard
--version Show installed version
--help Show this help

Consider that this list may be outdated, always refer to the help option described above.


$ qrscanner ./qrCode.jpg
║                                          ║
║   This message is written in a QR Code   ║
║                                          ║

$ qrscanner ./qrCode.jpg --clear
This message is written in a QR Code

Programatic Usage

You can also install this as a lib and use the programatic mode. Don't forget to read our documentation.

npm install qr-scanner-cli
// some-file.js
import { scanFromFile } from 'qr-scanner-cli'

const value = await scanFromFile('./image.jpg')