This repository includes a simple golang http server instrumented with the Prometheus prometheus/client_golang
library to expose a custom metric via the /metrics
endpoint. The k8s resources in /manifests
create a Custom Resource PodMonitor
that allows our go client's metric endpoint to be discoverable as a scrape target by our cluster's Prometheus operator. We first create the Prometheus operator in our k8s cluster then we apply the manifests in this repo.
Note: These steps are mostly my scratch and your mileage may vary on running these given your OS, Go, Docker, & local k8s environment.
configure dependencies:
go mod init gkp
go get -u -v ./...
running the project:
go run .
- http server listens on
- metrics endpoint available
testing the project:
go test -v -cover ./...
building the project binary:
go build -o app
create tag:
NEWTAG=v1.0.1; git tag $NEWTAG && git push origin $NEWTAG
delete tag:
DELTAG=v1.0.1; git tag -d $DELTAG && git push origin :refs/tags/$DELTAG
build & Tag container:
docker build -t gkp .
docker tag gkp user/gkp:latest
login to Dockerhub:
docker login
push local image to Dockerhub registry
docker push user/gkp:latest
operator and monitoring components: git clone [email protected]:prometheus-operator/kube-prometheus.git
remember to cd into the cloned directory ^^^ before running:
kubectl apply --server-side -f manifests/setup
kubectl wait \
--for condition=Established \
--all CustomResourceDefinition \
kubectl apply -f manifests/
to delete kube-prometheus
kubectl delete --ignore-not-found=true -f manifests/ -f manifests/setup
create namespace:
kubectl create namespace gkp
create deployment:
kubectl apply -f ./manifests --namespace=gkp
delete deployment:
kubectl delete -f ./manifests --namespace=gkp
a few local port-forwards
to view GUIs
gkp application:
kubectl --namespace gkp port-forward svc/gkp-service 8889
prometheus dashboard:
kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward svc/prometheus-k8s 9090
grafana dashboard:
kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward svc/grafana 3000
apply manifests:
kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
port forward
kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443
get initial client admin secret
kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d; echo
install armory-cli
w/ homebrew:
brew install armory-io/armory/armory-cli
check version:
armory version
armory login
install Remote Network Agent(RNA) in K8s cluster:
armory agent create
- NOTE: replace
below with string you chose in this step
check that agent is up & running:
kubectl get all -n armory-rna
kickoff deployment:
armory deploy start -f --account <my-agent-identifier>
check staging namespace:
kubectl get pods -n gkp-staging --watch
after manual approve... check prod namespace:
kubectl get pods -n gkp-prod --watch