My main website contains the inforatiom on building this cat feeder.
Raspberry Pi Cat Feeder Code Version 2.
This code is based on the python-rpi.gpio modules version >=0.5.4-1.
You might have to manually remove the old GPIO library to get this work.
This program also requires adding the following python modules:
- [astral] (
- [pytz] (
- [GPIO] (
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install astral
sudo pip install pytz
sudo apt-get install python-rpi.gpio
You can run the main script ( in a secreen/byobu or even by adding it to /etc/rc.local to start a boot.
To setup email, in the RPICatFeeder directory, create a file named Then add the following lines to the file:
cat >
email_to = 'youremailATyourdomain'
email_gmail_user = 'gmail or google apps userid'
email_gmail_pwd = 'gmail or google apps password'