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This file.

This file contains helper methods to obtain and manage demographic data from
the demographic files (ACS_1YR_...csv).

    average_data(file, dem):
    Averages the county data for a given demographic. Useful for situations
    when we really want to use a feature but there isn't sufficient data for
    the census to output an actual prediction - in these cases, we average the
    data for that demographic across all counties and use it instead.

    construct_submatrix(year, demographics, county, prop, type, polarity):
    Builds a county-specific design matrix and test matrix for a given year, a
    given proposition and polarity, and given demographic data. Called in a
    loop by compose_design_matrix over all counties for an issue. Returns 
    design and target matrices.

File: features.txt
This file contains all feature identifiers as ordained by the US Census Bureau.

File: Proposition Labels.csv
This file puts each proposition into an issue bucket (i.e. "politics").
Used by the classifier to determine issue tag groupings.

2014 election results were unavailable from the CA Secretary of State website.
We had to use a gnarly JSON file from the Contra Costa Times website; this file
basically converts that JSON into the standard election data format we used.

This file contains helper methods to obtain and manage voting data from the
election files ({YEAR}BallotMod.csv).

    This method reads in election data for each year we have data for, and
    returns a mapping that allows one to look up voting results based on year,
    proposition, polarity, county, and vote type (absolute or percent).

This file contains our classifier and helper functions for it.

    Creates a thread to find the best features for each tag.  Runs them in parallel.

    Selects features for each tag by finding the best features and the testing error

    find_best_features(tag, baseline_testing_error, features):
    Chooses 10 or fewer features which are better than the baseline of a given tag.

    get_testing_error(tag, features, numIters):
    Averages the testingError over numIters runs of test_features.

    test_features(issue_tag, features): 
    Creates a training set and test set (from propositions contained in
    issue_tag), runs the classifier with given features and returns the
    train and test errors.

    test_classifier_model(model, design, target, test_design, test_target, train):
    Generates a percent error by comparing the model's predictions to the results 
    of the test set. Called by test_features to test accuracy.

    build_classifier_model(issues, tag):
    Generates a model using SVC with an RBF kernel (with features specified by
    tag) which trains on the training set provided by test_classifier_model.

    Hashes the issues into buckets according to our labels, as specified by the
    Proposition Labels csv file.

    Confirms that s is a number. Useful for identifying features for which no
    data is available (the letter "N" is used as a placeholder)

    Converts the target matrix into a binary matrix using basic zero-one
    thresholding. This matrix can be used to train and test an SVC model.

    If the result is greater than 50, returns 1, else returns 0. Used by
    convert_to_binary_target to make a binary target matrix.

    combine_design_matrices(issues, tag):
    Compiles the design matrices into a single design matrix.
    Compiles the target matrices into a single target matrix.
    Calls compose_design_matrix on each issue in the given issue tag.

    compose_design_matrix(issue, tag):
    Generates a design matrix for a single issue and tag (the tag specifies
    what features should be put into the design matrix)

Commands to Run:

    A good place to start is to pick a set of features and test them out on an
    issue tag:

    features = [some_features_here]
    print test_features("politics", features)

    To inspect issues you can do the following:

    issues_hash = get_all_training_issues()
    print issues_hash["crime"]

    To see what the design and target matrices look like for an issue tag,
    you can do the following:

    issues = issues_hash["environment"]
    features = [some_features_here]
    tag = { "name": "Irrelevant", "type": "Percent", "demographics": features }
    print combine_design_matrices(issues, tag)

    You can also run multithreaded_feature_finder() (very very very slow) to
    try to find optimal features for each issue tag:


    Or, for more granular control over which issue tag you're working with:

    all_features = [all available features]
    #HC02_EST_VC02 is 100% for all counties - "uniform" demographic
    baseline_error = get_testing_error("education", ["HC02_EST_VC02"], 10)
    tag_feature_selector("education", baseline_error, all_features)

    If you want to look specifically at voting data:

    print voting.get_voting_data()["2006"]["Santa Clara_Percent"]["2006_1B_Yes"]

    Or demographic data:

    print demographic.construct_submatrix(2008, ["HC02_EST_VC03"], "San
            Francisco", "someProp", "Percent", "Yes")


Election predictor for California






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