This extension provides a User Interface to build and execute Salesforce CLI commands in VS Code.
Before you set up Salesforce CLI Command Builder for VS Code, make sure that you have these essentials.
- Salesforce CLI
- Visual Studio Code v1.26 or later
- Open the command palette (press Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows or Linux, or Cmd+Shift+P on macOS) and run SFDX : Open Command Builder command.
- In Salesforce CLI Command Builder page, filter through the list of commands and click on your specific command.
- In the Command Page, enter the Flag values. The Command gets generated based on the flag values filled in.
- Execute button executes the generated command and shows the results in the Output Pane.
- Copy buton copies the generated command to clipboard.
- ? help button displays the help for the command in the Output Pane.