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Simple way to logging with rich feature framework in Swift.


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Language Swift 3 Swift Package Manager compatible


Simple way to logging with rich feature framework in Swift.


  • Support swift 5 and latest Xcode
  • Method can helps to log String, NSDictionary, Dictionary, NSError, Error.
  • Added the emojis for console log.
  • Added the rich function for log tracking type.(Info, Verbose, Warnings, Debug, Error)
  • Able to get logs count based on each type of log and export as CSV file.
  • Coloured output log in Terminal for mac OS.
  • Support CocoaPods, mac OS and Vapor framework(Swift Package Manager).
  • Enabled logged format as Normal, JSON.
  • Able to encoding log based on log Encoding Type(utf8, ascii, unicode, utf16, etc) Refer: String.Encoding.


alt text

iOS/MacOS import headers

First thing is to import the framework. See the Installation instructions on how to add the framework to your project.

//iOS - Objective-C
@import SwiftLoggly;

import SwiftLoggly

import SwiftLogglyOSX

// Enumaration for log format type
public enum LogFormatType {
    case Normal
    case JSON

// Enumaration for log type
public enum LogType {
    case Info
    case Verbose
    case Warnings
    case Debug
    case Error


SwiftLoggly can be used right out of the box with no configuration, simply call the logging function.

Example 1 - Objective-C

// Log Dictionary
NSMutableDictionary *user1 = [NSMutableDictionary new];
[user1 setValue:@"vinoth" forKey:@"name" ];
[user1 setValue:@"[email protected]" forKey: @"email"];
[[Loggly logger] logglyWarningsWithDictionary:user1];

// Log string
NSString *jsonString  = @"[{\"name\":\"vignesh\",\"email\":\"[email protected]\"},{\"name\":\"vinoth\",\"email\":\"[email protected]\"}]";
[[Loggly logger] logglyInfoWithText:jsonString];

Example 2 - Swift

// String
loggly(LogType.Info, text: "Write to the log!")
logglyInfo(LogType.Info, text: "Write to the log!")

// NSDictionary
loggly(LogType.Verbose, dictionary: nsDictionary)
logglyVerbose(dictionary: nsDictionary)

// Dictionary
loggly(LogType.Warnings, dictionary: dictionary)
logglyWarnings(dictionary: nsDictionary)

// Just for fun!!
loggly(LogType.Info, text: "Welcome to Swift Loggly")
loggly(LogType.Verbose, text: "Fun")
loggly(LogType.Debug, text: "is")
loggly(LogType.Warnings, text: "Matter")
loggly(LogType.Error, text: "here!!")

// Normal Type 

[πŸ’™ Info -  Jan 31, 2017, 1:52:38 PM]: Welcome to Swift Loggly
[πŸ’œ Warn -  Jan 31, 2017, 1:52:38 PM]: Fun
[πŸ’š Error -  Jan 31, 2017, 1:52:38 PM]: is
[πŸ’› Error -  Jan 31, 2017, 1:52:38 PM]: Matter
[❀️ Error -  Jan 31, 2017, 1:52:38 PM]: here!!

// JSON Type

{  "LogType" : "Info",  "LogDate" : "Mar 10, 2017, 2:53:15 PM",  "LogMessage" : "Welcome to Swift Loggly"}
{  "LogType" : "Verbose",  "LogDate" : "Mar 10, 2017, 2:53:15 PM",  "LogMessage" : "Fun"}
{  "LogType" : "Debug",  "LogDate" : "Mar 10, 2017, 2:53:15 PM",  "LogMessage" : "is"}
{  "LogType" : "Error",  "LogDate" : "Mar 10, 2017, 2:53:15 PM",  "LogMessage" : "here!!"}
{  "LogType" : "Info",  "LogDate" : "Mar 10, 2017, 2:53:15 PM",  "LogMessage" : "{  \"name\" : \"Vignesh\",  \"Position\" : \"Senior Engineer\"}"}

That will create a log file in the proper directory on both OS X/Ubuntu and iOS.

OS X/Ubuntu log files will be created in the log directory (found under: /Library/Logs). The iOS log files will be created in your apps document directory under a folder called Logs.


There are a few configurable options in SwiftLoggly.

// Enable Emojis
Loggly.logger.enableEmojis = false

//Set the log save format type
Loggly.logger.logFormateType = LogFormateType.JSON  //default is "Normal"

// Set the log encoding format
Loggly.logger.logEncodingType = String.Encoding.utf8;  //default is "utf8"

//Set the name of the log files = "Sample" //default is "logglyfile"

//Set the max size of each log file. Value is in KB
Loggly.logger.maxFileSize = 2048 //default is 1024

//Set the max number of logs files that will be kept
Loggly.logger.maxFileCount = 8 //default is 4

//Set the directory in which the logs files will be written = "/Library/XXX-folder-name-XXX" //default is the standard logging directory for each platform.

//This writes to the log
logglyInfo("Write to the log!")

Sample Projects

Sample Projects available under the /Examples folder.



Check out Get Started tab on

To use SwiftLoggly in your project add the following 'Podfile' to your project

source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'

pod 'SwiftLoggly'

Then run:

pod install || pod update

Swift Package Manager for Vapor

You need to add to dependencies in your 'Package.swift' and fetch Swift module using terminal comment.

// Vapor
dependencies: [
        .Package(url: "", majorVersion: 1, minor: 0)

Then run:

    vapor build || vapor xcode

// Importing header
import SwiftLoggly


SwiftLoggly is licensed under the MIT License.


Vignesh Kumar