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DescribeGrammar filenames

Viktor Chernev edited this page Nov 11, 2024 · 11 revisions

Like other programming languages, Describe has file extensions associated with different files. Some file prefixes might also be utilized as well.


A list of file extensions related to the Describe language and the Describe compiler follows:

  • .ds someFile.ds
    .ds or .DS, by convention, is the extention for describe source files. It stands for "Describe Scripture". By default, the compiler will read only files with those extensions, and ignore others.

  • .dr someDraftFile.dr
    Also by convention, source files that are not ready to be compiled (aka draft files) are named with the .dr or .DR extension, which stands for "Describe dRaft", and are omitted by the compiler.

  • .denc someSecret.denc
    .denc or .DENC stands for "Describe ENCrypted". Those files are Describe source code files that have been encrypted.


When parsing folders or multiple source files, it’s essential to identify the root entry or entries. Typically, these are the root entries in the root file. But this raises the question: which file is the root one? By convention, the root file is the one that begins with a dot . Without following this convention, we risk inconsistent results, potentially ending up with orphaned lists that don’t appear in the output, as the transpiler may incorrectly choose the wrong list for a root one.

  • . .someSource.ds
    Dot symbol might indicate that the source file is a root one.
  • # #someSource.ds
    hash symbol (aka octothorpe) might indicate that source file is encrypted.



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