This example is a Docker image containing extensions of OpenLMIS services. It is meant to demonstrate how extensions are added to openlmis-ref-distro.
- Fork/clone this repository from GitHub.
git clone
- Add an environment file called
to the root folder of the project, with the required project settings and credentials. For a starter environment file, you can use this one. eg:
curl -o 2.env -L
- Start up the application.
docker-compose -f ref-distro-example-docker-compose.yml up
Check if the application behavior has changed according to the implemented extension point.
Bean of implemented extension point should be also visible in docker-compose logs. To see extended logs add this loggers to the env file of ref-distro.
- Fork/clone
repository from GitHub.
git clone
- Start up selv-v3-ref-distro.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.selv-v3-fulfillment-extension.yml up
- Add extension to the "dependencies" configuration in build.gradle:
extension ""
- Modify with name of the extended component.
The Reference Distribution is configured to use extension modules by defining a named volume that is common to the service and partner image.
external: false
The shared volume contains extension jars and extension point configuration. The role of this image is to copy them at start-up, so they may be read by the service.
An example configuration can be found in selv-v3-ref-distro as docker-compose.selv-v3-fulfillment-extension.yml
- Add ExtensionManager and ExtensionException to src/extension in the repository where extension point should be included (See commit here).
- Add extension point interface in src/extension/point, for example: AdjustmentReasonValidator.
- Add final ExtensionPointId class with the extension point ids defined like here.
- Add Default class which implements the extension point interface. See an example. Default class needs to have Component annotation with the value of its id:
@Component(value = "DefaultAdjustmentReasonValidator")
- Update the usage of the extension point. Now it should use ExtensionManager to find proper implementation. See example here.
- Add runtime dependency to build.gradle file in the repository like here.
- In build.gradle add tasks that sign archives and publishes repository itself to Maven (check details in this ticket).
- Run the CI build job to publish the repository to Maven.
- Create a new extension module, which contains code that overrides extension point, for example: selv-v3-fulfillment-extension.
- Annotate your implementation of the extension point with @Component annotation with the value of its id like here.
- Create an appropriate CI job (example). Build the job to publish the repository to Maven.
- Create a new extensions module which collects extension points for all services. The selv-v3-extensions-config is an example of such a module.
- Modify with the name of the extended component
- Add the extension to the "dependencies" configuration in build.gradle.
- Create a dedicated docker-compose.yml file with the extensions-config service. See the example: docker-compose.selv-v3-fulfillment-extension.yml.
- Add the extensions module as volume to the extended service in the docker-compose.yml file.