A simple vim plugin for displaying data of an excel file.
![screen shot](http://img5.tuchuang.org/uploads/2013/12/2013-12-09 21:14:57的屏幕截图.png)
It requires your vim with
supported. -
Python module
is required on your system.
To install it you may runsudo pip install xlrd
vim 7.3
and less, it works well for almost all kinds of file formats,
etcBut for
vim 7.4
, please add the following to your.vimrc
file:let g:zipPlugin_ext = '*.zip,*.jar,*.xpi,*.ja,*.war,*.ear,*.celzip,*.oxt,*.kmz,*.wsz,*.xap,*.docx,*.docm,*.dotx,*.dotm,*.potx,*.potm,*.ppsx,*.ppsm,*.pptx,*.pptm,*.ppam,*.sldx,*.thmx,*.crtx,*.vdw,*.glox,*.gcsx,*.gqsx'
It will parse all sheets by default, displaying them on different tabs.
You can only read data of a file, any modifications on any tab will NOT do change to the origin excel file.
Works best on excel files that contain English characters only.