spree-frontend-integration is a JavaScript library which allows easy access to Spree API. It can be integrated with any frontend framework, or can also be used with simple JS.
You need to install Spree AMS gem.
To access all endpoints add below line of code in your routes.rb.
namespace :api do
match '*path' => 'ams/cors#preflight_check', via: [:options]
npm install --save spree-themes-integration
bower install spree-themes-integration
You may need to use browserify to properly install the package in case of bower. You can take the help of the following tutorial
Spree Frontend Integration Provides a number of configurations which allow you to customize the integration according to your needs.
Option | Description | Example |
domain | In case your your backend & frontend are on different servers you will need to use this option & pass your backend domain to the integration when invoking the class. | (new SpreeApi.productsList('www.vinsol.com')) |
callback | To handle the response returned from the API, you need to pass a callback method, which will be invoked after successfull API call | (new SpreeApi.productsList('www.vinsol.com')).sendRequest({cb: myCallback}) |
path | If you don't want to use default path(relative URL to the backend domain) for any of the API call you can overide this option. | (new SpreeApi.productsList('www.vinsol.com')).sendRequest({path: '/api/xx/products' }) |
method | If you don't want to use default method. HTTP method to be used when hitting the API endpoint. | (new SpreeApi.productsList('www.vinsol.com')).sendRequest({method: 'GET' }) |
Use this method to login into Spree Backend. This methods needs to essential parameters email
& password
to successfully login. It actually saves token returned by Spree API to the cookie in encrypted form.
(new SpreeApi.login()).sendRequest({params: {
users: {
email: '[email protected]',
password: 'spree123'
Use this method to signUp into Spree Backend. This methods needs to essential parameters email
& password
to successfully create a new user.
(new SpreeApi.signUp()).sendRequest({params: {
users: {
email: '[email protected]',
password: 'spree123'
Use this method to get user details from Spree Backend.
(new SpreeApi.profile()).sendRequest({})
Use this method to get a list of products from Spree Backend.
(new SpreeApi.productsList()).sendRequest({params:{ per_page: 25, page: 1}})
Use this method to get details of a specific product from Spree Backend.
(new SpreeApi.productShow()).sendRequest({params:{ id: 1 }})
Note: here id is product id/slug.
Use this method to get the taxon list from Spree Backend.
(new SpreeApi.taxonsList()).sendRequest({})
Use this method to get the taxonomy & taxons list from Spree Backend.
(new SpreeApi.taxonomyList()).sendRequest({})
Use this method to get a list of countries from Spree Backend.
(new SpreeApi.countryLists()).sendRequest({})
Use this method to get a list of states for a specific country from Spree Backend.
(new SpreeApi.statesList()).sendRequest({params: { id: 1 }})
Note: here id is country_id
Use this method to get a list of option types from Spree Backend.
(new SpreeApi.optionTypesList()).sendRequest({})
This method is to create a new order at Spree Backend and returns order response.
(new SpreeApi.createOrder()).sendRequest({})
This method is to update(Add a line item) a prevously created order at Spree Backend and returns order response.
(new SpreeApi.updateOrder()).sendRequest({})
This method should be used for checkout steps, with valid & complete information the order will be automatically proceeded to the next step. It returns the order response.
(new SpreeApi.checkoutOrder()).sendRequest({params: {
id: 1,
bill_address_attributes: {...},
ship_address_attributes: {...},
payments_attributes: {...},
shipments_attributes: {...}
This method returns all completed orders of the loggedIn user.
(new SpreeApi.myOrders()).sendRequest({})
This method returns the current order in progress of the loggedIn user.
(new SpreeApi.currentOrder()).sendRequest({})
This method removes all the line items from the current order.
(new SpreeApi.emptyOrder()).sendRequest({params: {id: 1}})
This method deletes the current order.
(new SpreeApi.deleteOrder()).sendRequest({params: {id: 1}})
*= Login Required