<abbr title=”Quote of The Day To Sms”>QotdToSms is either a bash or python script to send a Quote of The Day via SMS using the French mobile operator "Free Mobile" sms notification option.
It means this can only work if you have a suscribed one of the two plans available at http://mobile.free.fr
That being said, if you're one of the greedy french people who chose to use the young and not very mature, but promising, Free Mobile network, then you'll be able to activate the sms notifications through the web console (once authenticated on http://mobile.free.fr).
Once the option is activated, you'll be able to retrieve the credentials on the option page that will be used in the script. These credentials will have you authenticated on Free Mobile servers (basically, the result of using one of the script below will be that you'll get a Quote of The Day on your mobile phone and from your phone number).
This script works on any unix-like system, as long as bash, curl and fortunes are available.
For Debian or derivatives, that would be something like:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install curl fortunes fortunes-fr
then clone the repository or just copy paste the content of the script (QotdToSms.sh) to a new file on your computer and launch it
bash QotdToSms.sh
The Python version might be portable to any system that can run Python3 (3.4.x, maybe older versions but not sure).
As for the bash version, the fortunes package and its local variants will be needed too.
Of course, the script can be modified (according to the GPLv3 license) to fit your needs and redistributed, it is up to you and your imagination.
That's all folks!