The term set nav custom action uses the code base of the awesome Tenant Global Nav Bar SPFx extension sample :
Since the SPFx extensions can only be used on the modern pages, this custom action with the same functionality can be used on the classic pages.
- Removed SPFx specific code
All the SPFx related code from the extensions sample is removed. For instance, the API calls in the spfx sample use the SPHttpClient and the context object. This has been replaced by the "Axios" library to make HTTP calls :
- Custom gulpfile and webpack
There is a custom gulpfile to build and bundle the code into a single JS file. Custom webpack configuration is used in the gulpfile to bundle and minify the code files. The typescript and scss files are compiled using the @microsft/gulp-core-build package.
Clone this repository
Install the packages using the command
npm i
The term set that must be used to fetch the navigation links is a constant variable in the TenantGlobalNavBarApplicationCustomizer.ts file. Change this as required.
Execute the following command to make sure that the code builds successfully.
gulp build
Then run the below command to bundle the code into a single JS. The bundle is created in the <Code Path>\dist folder.
gulp bundle
Once the files are bundled, you can inject the bundled JavaScript to a SharePoint site through CSOM or PnP powershell. Eg script to inject Javascript :
To change the order ot navigation nodes, head over to the term store administration, select the term set that is being used for Navigation and from the "Custom Sort" tab, change the order of the links.
The bundle configuration is in the gulpfile.js. Change the Output filename in the webpack config in gulpfile.js