Project to smooth the AngularJS/WinJS interaction, this code is a shim layer which facilitates usage of WinJS UI controls in an Angular Windows application. It achieves this by creating directives for the various controls which allow them to show up in Angular markup like:
<win-list-view item-data-source="ratings">
<win-item-template>Hi: {{}}</win-item-template>
Just make sure to include WinJS 2.0, and then include the shim.
<link href="//Microsoft.WinJS.2.0/css/ui-dark.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="//Microsoft.WinJS.2.0/js/base.js"></script>
<script src="//Microsoft.WinJS.2.0/js/ui.js"></script>
<script src="/js/angular-winjs.js"></script>
Note: this shim library only works against Angular 1.1+, I've been testing it using 1.2.0-rc3.
<!-- Shows up on the bottom of the screen, use right-click or touch edgy gesture to show -->
<win-app-bar-command icon="'home'" label="'Home'"></win-app-bar-command>
<win-app-bar-command icon="'save'" label="'Save'"></win-app-bar-command>
<!-- Won't show up unless you use WinJS.Navigation stack -->
<win-date-picker current="date"></win-date-picker>
<win-flip-view item-data-source="ratings">
<win-item-template>This flip view item's rating is: {{}}</win-item-template>
<button id="flyoutAnchor">Show a flyout!</button>
<win-flyout anchor="'#flyoutAnchor'">This is the flyout content!!</win-flyout>
<win-hub-section header="'First section'">
Hubs are useful for varied content
<win-hub-section header="'The second section'">
This hub is boring however, it just has things like data bindings: {{ratings.length}}
<win-hub-section header="'The tail...'">
Because it's only purpose is to show how to create a hub
An ItemContainer is a wrapper around content that adds pressed
and cross-slide selection behaviors!
<win-list-view item-data-source="ratings">
<win-item-template>This list view item's rating is: {{}}</win-item-template>
<button id="menuAnchor">Show a menu!</button>
<win-menu anchor="'#menuAnchor'">
<win-menu-command label="'command the first'"></win-menu-command>
<win-menu-command label="'command the second'"></win-menu-command>
<win-menu-command label="'this would be a great place for ng-repeater...'"></win-menu-command>
<!-- Shows up on the top of the screen, use right-click or touch edgy gesture to show -->
<win-nav-bar-command label="'Home'" icon="'home'" tooltip="'Go home!!'"></win-nav-bar-command>
<win-nav-bar-command label="'Save'" icon="'save'"></win-nav-bar-command>
The current rating is: {{ratings[0].rating}}.<br/>
<win-rating max-rating="5" user-rating="ratings[0].rating"></win-rating>
The current search text is: {{searchText}}.<br/>
<win-search-box query-text="searchText"></win-search-box>
<win-list-view item-data-source="data" group-data-source="data.groups">
The data is: {{}}
The group is: {{item.key}}
<win-list-view item-data-source="data.groups">
The group is: {{item.key}}
<win-time-picker current="time"></win-time-picker>
The state is: {{toggleState}}<br/>
<win-toggle-switch checked="toggleState"></win-toggle-switch>
<win-tooltip-content>This can have arbitrary content, like images...</win-tooltip-content>
This has a tooltip, hover and see...
For all of the controls you can bind to all public properties and events and the camel cased property names conveniently map to attributes.
There's some things left to be done like WinJS.UI.SettingsFlyout and rounding out the support for two-way binding of things like ListView selection state.