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Viresh Gupta edited this page Aug 13, 2020 · 3 revisions

What and Why StockD?

This is the revamped port of a previous Open Source Software: nse-eod-data-downloader.

The original software is no longer available or maintained anymore, hence I updated my fork of the software with jdk-8 binaries and some fixes for users, available at

However, several issues with the usability of the existing software cropped up, and upon requests from existing users of the software, I have decided to create StockD, an improvised version of the aforementioned software, offering improved download times and more customizability. In-fact, users can load their own configuration files from a json.

What's new?

This list is no longer maintained. To know changes with each release, visit the releases page:

The advantage of loading a configuration file is as follows:

  • Users can now switch data-sources without having to modify the derby database by hand
  • The configurations can be hosted online, so just sharing a URL will suffice

I will continue to provide a basic configuration file for everyone, free of cost. If anyone would like me to host their configuration file, do let me know on the gitter chat-room.

How to get Started?

Get the quickstart instructions here:
Get the detailed guide at: