Courseware 3.0.0
Latest version for Stud.IP 3.4.x and 3.5.x with a lot of new features:
- change from requirejs to webpack
- add new block: AssortBlock
- add new block: CodeBlock
- add new block: DownloadBlock
- add new block: GalleryBlock
- add new block: KeyPointBlock
- add new block: LinkBlock
- add new block: SearchBlock
- add new block: PdfBlock
- add new block: PostBlock (Courseware discussions)
- imporved iFrameBlock with CC informations
- modernized TestBlock compatible with vips 1.3
- ability to switch off horizontal navigation
- embed horizontal navigation in sidebar navigation (optional)
- comprehensive progress overview for teachers
- discussion overview for teachers
- overview of new contents in the courseware
- responsive layout to fit mobile devices
- courseware can be used in public courses
- new sidebar layout