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DJ tools for downloading, processing, and sharing music / rekordbox data.


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DJ Tools



  • Release Plan
  • Overview
  • Setup
    • Python
    • AWS
  • Usage
    • Linking configs
    • Populating config.json
      • Example config.json
      • Explanation of configuration options
  • Contribution
  • Basic Information
    • Preliminary
      • Music files
        • Format
        • Allowed characters
        • Standardization
      • Rekordbox XML
    • Importing tracks from Explorer
    • Setting beatgrid and hot cues
    • Importing tracks from XML
    • Reloading tags
    • Exporting to a Device

Release Plan

  • 2.2.2
    • spotify.playlist_builder
      • Improved Reddit post parsing and Spotify searching
  • 2.3.0
    • utils
      • Playlist organization by Rekordbox "My Tags" (beta)
      • AND/OR logic for "My Tags" (and genres?)


DJ Tools is a library for managing a Collection of audio files (not necessarily mp3 files, although that is preferred) and Rekordbox XML files.

To take full advantage of this library, users must:

  1. have access to an AWS S3 instance (the beatcloud) and have the awscli client configured to reach it
  2. be a Rekordbox user
  3. keep your Collection on a USB drive
  4. use the following naming convention for music files in your Collection:

          Title (Artist2 Remix) - Artist1, Artist2

  1. utilize the genre ID3 / Rekordbox tag for music files in your Collection
  2. have a Spotify account

The core functionality of this library can be broken up into three components or packages:

  1. sync: allows users to push and pull audio and Rekordbox XML files to and from the beatcloud
  2. spotify: allows users to:
    • compare the tracks of one or more Spotify playlists against the beatcloud (to identify redundancies)
    • update Spotify playlists using the top posts of subreddits
  3. utils: contains a variety of utilities for things such as:
    • generating an XML with playlists based on the genre tags of your Collection
    • analyzing the genre tags directly from your local mp3 files
    • emulating a playlist randomization feature which is strangely absent from Rekordbox
    • downloading mp3 files from a URL (e.g. Soundcloud...don't use YouTube because that's some highly compressed garbage)

For usage details relating to the individual packages of DJ Tools, checkout the README files that are collocated with those packages.



  1. The DJ Tools library uses f-strings so a minimum version of Python 3.6 is required. As always, when working with a Python project, you're going to want to create a virtual environment; Pyenv is really nice, but if you insist on doing a system-wide python installation then proceed with the following instructions:

  2. Run pip install "dj-beatcloud[levenshtein]" to install the DJ Tools library.

  3. You can install the very latest pre-release version with pip install "dj-beatcloud[levenshtein]" --pre

    • if you want to restrict the version being installed to not include, say, the next minor version's beta release then you can do so like pip install "dj-beatcloud[levenshtein]<2.1.0" --pre

NOTE: operations that involve computing the similarity between track names (both modules in the spotify package as well as the swap_title_artist repair script) can be made much faster by installing the python-Levenshtein package; Windows users may find it more cumbersome to install DJ Tools this way though since they may not have the required C++ binaries to run the Levenshtein operations...if this applies to you, then ommit the [levenshtein] part:

      pip install dj-beatcloud

You can always install the necessary package to accelerate computing at a later time:

      pip install python-Levenshtein


  1. Next you will need to configure awscli to access your instance of the beatcloud. The Python package awscli should have been installed during the pip install of the previous step, but in the event that you cannot run the aws command, you'll have to install it the long way:

                     msiexec.exe /i

  1. Now configure awscli to connect to your beatcloud instance:

           aws configure --profile DJ

  1. Enter the access_key and secret_key. Default values for the rest of the configuration is fine.


Linking configs

You should now be able to run djtools from anywhere, although nothing will work until you've populated the required config.json.

Because this config.json file (and all other JSON files used by this library) live next to the package code (somewhere not user-friendly), it's recommended that you choose a non-existent directory (e.g. djtools_configs) and run this command first to establish a user-friendly location where you can create and modify your config files:

      djtools --link_configs /path/to/djtools_configs/

After running this command, you can navigate to that directory and open config.json with your favorite text editor and configure the library for your needs.

Please be sure to checkout the package-level README files regarding the usage of the other config files which must also be stored in the same location as config.json:

Populating config.json

DJ Tools contains quite a bit of functionality, but all of it is configurable via config.json. You may decide to not use config.json at all and, instead, opt to use the corollary command-line arguments; all configuration options may be overridden via command-line arguments of the same name but in lowercase. Example:

      djtools --download_xml --xml_import_user bob --aws_profile DJ

Example config.json:

    "USB_PATH": "/Volumes/My_DJ_USB/",
    "AWS_PROFILE": "DJ",
    "UPLOAD_EXCLUDE_DIRS": ["New Music"],
    "DOWNLOAD_MUSIC": false,
    "DOWNLOAD_XML": false,
    "UPLOAD_MUSIC": false,
    "UPLOAD_XML": false,
    "XML_IMPORT_USER": "myfriend",
    "XML_PATH": "/path/to/xmls/my_rekordbox.xml",
    "USER": "",
    "DISCORD_URL": "",
    "YOUTUBE_DL": false,
    "YOUTUBE_DL_URL": "",
    "RANDOMIZE_TRACKS": false,
    "RANDOMIZE_TRACKS_PLAYLISTS": ["Halftime", "Trip Hop"],
    "GET_GENRES": false,
    "GENERATE_GENRE_PLAYLISTS_PURE": ["Techno", "Hip Hop"],
    "LOCAL_CHECK_DIRS": ["New Music"],
    "SPOTIFY_CHECK_PLAYLISTS": ["Download", "Maybe Download"],
        {"name": "HalftimeDnB", "type": "hot", "period": "week", "limit": 50},
        {"name": "spacebass", "type": "top", "period": "week", "limit": 50}
    "VERBOSITY": 0,

Explanation of configuration options

  • USB_PATH: the full path to the USB drive which contains all your music files
  • AWS_PROFILE: the name of the profile used when running aws configure --profile
  • UPLOAD_INCLUDE_DIRS: the list of paths to folders (relative to the DJ Music folder on your USB_PATH) that should exclusively be uploaded to the beatcloud when running the upload_music sync operation
  • UPLOAD_EXCLUDE_DIRS: the list of paths to folders (relative to the DJ Music folder on your USB_PATH) that should NOT be uploaded to the beatcloud when running the upload_music sync operation
  • DOWNLOAD_INCLUDE_DIRS: the list of paths to folders (relative to the DJ Music folder on your USB_PATH) that should exclusively be downloaded from the beatcloud when running the download_music sync operation
  • DOWNLOAD_EXCLUDE_DIRS: the list of paths to folders (relative to the DJ Music folder on your USB_PATH) that should NOT be downloaded from the beatcloud when running the download_music sync operation
  • DOWNLOAD_MUSIC: sync remote beatcloud to "DJ Music" folder
  • DOWNLOAD_XML: sync remote XML of XML_IMPORT_USER to parent of XML_PATH
  • UPLOAD_MUSIC: sync local "DJ Music" folder to the beatcloud
  • UPLOAD_XML: sync local XML_PATH to the beatcloud
  • AWS_USE_DATE_MODIFIED: up/download files that already exist at the destination if the date modified field at the source is after that of the destination (i.e. the ID3 tags have been changed)...BE SURE THAT ALL USERS OF THIS BEATCLOUD INSTANCE ARE ON BOARD BEFORE UPLOADING WITH THIS FLAG SET!
  • XML_IMPORT_USER: the username of a fellow beatcloud user (as present in registered_users.json) from whose Rekordbox XML you are importing tracks
  • XML_PATH: the full path to your Rekordbox XML file which should contain an up-to-date export of your Collection...the directory where this points to is also where all other XMLs generated or utilized by this library will exist
  • USER: this is the username that will be entered into registered_users.json...if left as an empty string, then your operating system username will be's recommended that you only override this if your username changes from what other users of your beatcloud instance are expecting (to ensure consistency)
  • DISCORD_URL: webhook URL for messaging a Discord server's channel when new music has been uploaded to the beatcloud
  • YOUTUBE_DL: boolean flag to trigger the downloading of files from YOUTUBE_DL_URL into the DJ Music -> New Music folder on your USB_PATH
  • YOUTUBE_DL_URL: URL from which music files should be downloaded (i.e. a Soundcloud playlist)
  • RANDOMIZE_TRACKS: boolean flag to trigger the emulated playlist shuffling feature on each playlist in RANDOMIZE_TRACKS_PLAYLISTS
  • RANDOMIZE_TRACKS_PLAYLISTS: list of playlist names (must exist in XML_PATH) that should have their tracks shuffled
  • GET_GENRES: boolean flag to trigger an analysis of the genre ID3 tags of your local mp3 files (prints the number of tracks in alphabetized genres...increasing VERBOSITY prints tracks in each genre)
  • GENRE_EXCLUDE_DIRS: list of partial paths (folders) which cannot appear in full paths of mp3 files when considering their genre ID3 tags
  • GENRE_TAG_DELIMITER: character to use for splitting a track's genre ID3 tag when tag contains multiple genres (e.g. "/")
  • GENERATE_GENRE_PLAYLISTS: boolean flag to trigger the generation of a playlist structure (as informed by generate_genre_playlists.json) using the genre tags in XML_PATH...the resulting XML file is XML_PATH prefixed with "auto_"
  • GENERATE_GENRE_PLAYLISTS_REMAINDER: whether tracks of remainder genres (those not specified in generate_genre_playlists.json) will be placed in a folder called "Other" with individual genre playlists or a playlist called "Other"
  • GENERATE_GENRE_PLAYLISTS_PURE: list of genre tags (case-sensitive) which will each have a "Pure" playlist generated for...each item must be accompanied with a "Pure <genre>" entry in generate_genre_playlists.json,
  • CHECK_TRACK_OVERLAP: boolean flag to trigger checking the contents of Spotify playlists specified in SPOTIFY_CHECK_PLAYLISTS and the local files specified in LOCAL_CHECK_DIRS against the beatcloud (to identify redundancies)
  • CHECK_TRACK_OVERLAP_FUZZ_RATIO: the minimum Levenshtein similarity for indicating potential redundancies between Spotify playlists / local directories and the beatcloud
  • LOCAL_CHECK_DIRS: list of local directories (under "DJ Music") to use with CHECK_TRACK_OVERLAP,
  • SPOTIFY_CHECK_PLAYLISTS: list of Spotify playlists to use with CHECK_TRACK_OVERLAP
  • SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID: client ID for registered Spotify API application
  • SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET: client secret for registered Spotify API application
  • SPOTIFY_REDIRECT_URI: redirect URI for registered Spotify API application
  • AUTO_PLAYLIST_UPDATE: boolean flag to trigger the automatic generation or updating of Spotify playlists from subreddits
  • SPOTIFY_USERNAME: Spotify username that will keep playlists automatically generated
  • AUTO_PLAYLIST_SUBREDDITS: list of subreddits from which tracks should be added to Spotify auto-playlist; each element is a dictionary with keys for subreddit's "name", "type", "period", and "limit"
  • AUTO_PLAYLIST_FUZZ_RATIO: the minimum Levenshtein similarity between a Spotify API track search result and a subreddit post title (if post is not directly a Spotify URL) to trigger the addition of that track to the corresponding Spotify auto-playlist
  • AUTO_PLAYLIST_SUBREDDIT_LIMIT: the maximum number of posts to retrieve from a subreddit
  • REDDIT_CLIENT_ID: client ID for registered Reddit API application
  • REDDIT_CLIENT_SECRET: client secret for registered Reddit API application
  • REDDIT_USER_AGENT: user-agent for registered Reddit API application
  • VERBOSITY: verbosity level for logging messages
  • LOG_LEVEL: logger log level


If you wish to contribute to DJ Tools, please follow these development rules:

  1. Only release branches (major: 3.0.0, minor: 2.1.0, patch: 2.0.5) can be made off of main
  2. The only commits to main that are allowed are updates to the Release Plan portion of this README; make a PR for this commit and, once approved, rebase the corresponding release branch on top of it
  3. New features are added to the next minor release branch which will be created and released quarterly (the 1st of January, April, July, and October)
  4. Bug fixes are added to the next patch release branch which will be created whenever the last is published to PyPI
  5. Non-release branches must have a concise name for the feature or bugfix specifically targeted by that branch (e.g. xml-track-randomization)
  6. All development work must be done on an unshared branch made off of the appropriate feature or bugfix branch (e.g. alex_xml-track-randomization)
  7. All development branches must rebase their changes on top of the respective feature / bugfix branch before merging (squash, fixup, reword, etc. as needed to ensure a clean commit history)
  8. Make a rebase PR when you are ready for the next beta release; I will rebase the feature / bugfix branch on top of the appropriate release branch and publish a beta release

Basic Information

If you are an advanced Rekordbox user, then the following section is likely not for you. If you are not an advanced Rekordbox user, or are interested in the workflow patterns that accompany this library, read on!


Music files


The music files in your Collection should be in the MP3 format. There are a couple reasons for this:

  1. MP3 files are very compact meaning you can fit more music on your USB, pay less for cloud storage, and enjoy faster upload / download times
  2. MP3 files have metadata fields called ID3 tags which couple information like track, title, artist, comment, genres, etc. with the file itself; other formats (AIFF or WAV) may include implementations of ID3 but this library has not been tested with these

It's true that MP3 is lossy, meaning it's possible for MP3 files to produce lower quality audio than, say, FLAC files, but research (see Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem) shows that even the most trained ears of audiophiles cannot distinguish any difference between lossless audio and 256 kbps MP3 audio. There are arguments that support using a sample rate higher than the theoretical minimum for human hearing (44.1 kHz); digital-to-analog conversion (as is performed in a speaker cone) is necessarily a non-linear system which can produce audible distortions from previously inaudible frequencies. Since my audio processing facilities support the highest quality bitrate for MP3 files, and the size of these files is negligibly larger, I use 320 kbps files.

Allowed characters

The characters you use in the filenames added to the beatcloud does matter; while Unix systems are very tolerant of filenames, Windows systems are comparably very sensitive. Windoes explicitly lists these characters as forbidden: <, >, :, ", /, \, |, ?, *, %, ?

Futher more, files stored in S3 may not interact properly with the protocols that may be used to sync them if they contain particular characters.

Lastly, the djtools package wraps paths in double-quotes " so these MUST NOT be used in filenames!

I'm advocating that the character set matched by this regex expression be the whitelist of characters for filenames:

In [2]: string = "Track_Title (Artist2 Remix) ['Things' & Stuff!] - Artist1, Artist2.mp3"

In [3]: pattern = r"[0-9 a-z A-Z _ ' & \( \) \[ \] \s \- , . !]+"

In [4]: re.match(pattern, string).group(0)
Out[4]: "Track_Title (Artist2 Remix) ['Things' & Stuff!] - Artist1, Artist2.mp3"

In general:

  • keep the filenames as close as possible to the Title (Artist2 Remix) - Artist1, Artist2 format
  • if the source is Spotify, try to match the fields as close as possible; e.g. if the title includes (Radio Edit) then you should name the track accordingly
  • don't use accent marks, any of the explicitly listed characters disallowed by Windows, or any other weird / non-standard characters


To ensure Collection consistency and successful operation of DJ Tools, the following properties should be maintained for all music files. Users of my beatcloud must complete a minimum of (1) and (2) prior to uploading. Since track title, artist names, and melodic key are objective, and populating these tags prior to uploading saves every other user from repeating these efforts, it is greatly appreciated if users also complete (3) and (4). Futhermore, it is advised that users complete (5) through (9) as well, although users should expect to redo these themselves when integrating others' tracks since they are mostly subjective (with the exception of beatgrid and, to some extent, color):

  1. minimum 256 kbps bitrate (320 kbps preferred)
  2. files named using convention: Title (Artist2 Remix) - Artist1, Artist2
  3. title and artist tags populated (ideally using software such as Mp3tag or Picard)
  4. key tags populated (ideally using Mixed In Key)
  5. genre tags populated (split with common delimiter if multiple genres)
  6. beatgrid should be set correctly
  7. hot cues should be set the expected schema
  8. comment tags 1st cleared and then populated with important information
    • BPM changes
    • unmixable (arrhythmic, ambient, or unstable BPM)
    • low quality
  9. color tags
    • GREEN for fully processed track
    • RED to warn of low quality or otherwise unmixable tracks
    • NONE for tracks that haven't had (3), (4), (5), and (6) applied to them

Mixed In Key is the most accurate key analysis software out there and is much better than Rekordbox's key analysis. Make sure you turn off KEY under Preferences > Analysis > Track Analysis Setting so as to not overwrite key tags generated by MIK when importing tracks into Rekordbox.

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Rekordbox XML

Your Rekordbox Collection includes all the data associated with individual tracks as well playlist data. Your Collection can be exported to an XML file using File > Export Collection in xml format. The resulting file can be used to restore your Collection if it's ever lost or messed up. It's recommended that you make frequent backups of your Collection.

Because all track information is stored in the XML and tracks can be imported to a Collection from an XML, it's possible for multiple users to benefit from the efforts of another user who processes tracks in a shared Collection. For example, users A and B can both contribute audio files to the beatcloud while only user A prepares beatgrids, hot cues, genre tags, and playlists. After user A completes this work, exports an XML, and uploads said XML to the beatcloud, user B can then download that XML and use it to import tracks into their Collection with all the data that user A generated.

Importing tracks from Explorer

If you are importing unprocessed tracks for the first time, or you simply don't want to import other users' track data, then you will import tracks from the Explorer tree view (make sure it's set to visible under Preferences > View > Layout; see the image below). Upon importing, Rekordbox will perform an analysis which will attempt to set the beatgrid. Often times this is incorrect, so make sure you confirm it's correct before considering the track fully imported.

Setting beatgrid and hot cues

A track's beatgrid is a set of data points which define the beats-per-minute (BPM) of a track and also, in the case of a dynamic beatgrid, define points where the BPM changes. Dynamic beatgrids are particularly handy for tracks that have one or more BPM changes but are otherwise BPM stable (the track is quantized or recorded to a metronome). Setting a dynamic beatgrid for tracks with unstable BPMs is often more effort than it's worth and generally produces, at best, a track that gives the illusion of being easy to mix while, in practice, this is not the case.

When importing a track, there are several beatgrid-related states that the built-in analysis may produce (in order of correctness):

  1. BPM is correct and beatgrid is aligned correctly
  2. BPM is correct but beatgrid is misaligned (requires a simple shift)
  3. BPM is incorrect (often requires alternating between BPM adjustements and beatgrid shifts)
  4. track has severely unstable BPM (I generally forgo setting the beatgrid, turn off quantization, and set my hot cues as desired)

Once the beatgrid is established, I will apply a standardized hot cue schema so that I can reliably mix any track in my library, even if it's quite old and I've forgotten its nuances. Below is a description of the schema that I personally use for all my tracks:

  • A and B: beat on which a break or build starts (in chronological order)
  • C: "best" downbeat to begin a mix on (not too high energy, but definitely a prominent downbeat)
  • D, G, H: chronologically successive "drops" of the track (generally following a break / build)
  • E: the very first sound of the track (not necessarily a downbeat)
  • F: warning flag that the track is close to finishing or approaching a significant dropoff in energy (usually 8 bars before said dropoff / end)

Importing tracks from XML

Make sure you have made the rekordbox.xml database visible under Preferences > View > Layout:

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Also ensure you have the proper XML file selected under Preferences > Advanced > Database > rekordbox xml:

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Then select the track(s), playlist(s), or folder(s) and choose "Import To Collection" or "Import Playlist"; this will overwrite playlists, beatgrids, hot cues, and Rekordbox Tags for files / playlists / folders with the same name!

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Reloading tags

Reloading tags repopulates the Rekordbox tags using data stored in the MP3 files' ID3 tags. Be careful though, information you edit in Rekordbox doesn't necessarily overwrite the files' ID3 tags; for example, modifying genre tags in Rekordbox does edit the ID3 tags but modifying comment tags does not. You may inadvertently overwrite your hard work to cleanup comment tags by running Reload Tags! If you want data either generated by another beatcloud user or by utilities, like generate_genre_playlists or randomize_tracks, you must reimport those tracks / playlists in Rekordbox rather than Reload Tags.

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Exporting to a Device

Exporting to a Device is necessary if you want to have access to your Collection on CDJ hardware or another Rekordbox user's laptop (if any USB, besides your own, is set as the Database Preferences > Advanced > Database > Database management). You can export your entire Playlists tree tab (as shown in this image) or any folders / playlists you select inside the Playlists tree tab by right-clicking the playlist / folder.

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DJ tools for downloading, processing, and sharing music / rekordbox data.







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  • Python 100.0%