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Why we made this and what you can do with this.


1. Node.js and NPM

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime which will allow us to run a host of tools. In fact node.js even runs a tiny webserver which will enable you to browse the components of the frontend. NPM is the Node Package Manager and is only used to install yarn.

  1. Install as instructed on
  2. (On Windows if asked) choose to also install NPM and add Node.js to your path.
  3. Check the installation of Node.js and NPM by running node -v or npm -v from your command line.

2. yarn

yarn is a Node Package Manager which will allow us to download and install required components for Node.js with ease See for details of this dependency manager

  1. Run npm install -g yarn to install yarn dependency manager 1a. (On windows) You can also get the installer from

3. Gulp

Gulp is a task automator running on Node.js. It will do a lot of hard work for us preparing the source code for productive use. Amongst others Gulp combines files, shrinks them, tests code for faults etc.

  1. Run yarn global add gulp-cli to install Gulp's command line interface globally. This will put the gulp command in your system path, allowing it to be run from any directory.
  2. Test the installation of Gulp by running gulp --version from your command line.


After your are finished with the step before and everything runs fine, run these steps to get your project on the road.

  1. Open your command line / terminal / bash
  2. Navigate to the project folder
  3. Run yarn install
  4. To
    • start the development environment run gulp serve
    • build the code for production use run gulp build

Custom Configuration

How to set up your personal boilerplate, with dependencies you really need.


This file lets you enable and disable certain tasks as well as specify additional resource folders.

resource folders To add additional resource folders, create the folders and add the paths to the global.resources array. The path needs to be prepended with a "/" and relative to the app folder. The default resource folder is "/resources"

tasks To disable certain tasks, simply set the specific task to false. At the moment the tasks that can be disabled are: "linting", "iconfont", "angular", "handlebars", "uglify", "cleanCss", "favicons", "cssStats". Per default all tasks are enabled.

uglifyExceptions You can add files which should not be uglified during the uglify task (e.g. files that are already uglified)

externalResources Add file paths of files that are needed for the build package. The path must be relative to each package inside node_modules.


We use different boilerplates to keep our coding structure as homogenous as possible.

JavaScript / TypeScript

jQuery TypeScript Plugins - modr framework

To get the full benefit of object oriented frontend plugins, component based configuration and conditional loading we use the modr framework.

The corresponding pattern file can be found in /patterns/modr.boilerplate.base.ts

jQuery TypeScript Plugins - standalone

The standalone jQuery TypeScript Plugin is a TypeScript port of the legacy jQuery Plugin boilerplate. It includes the same features as the legacy boilerplate but nicely enriched by lots of TypeScript features like code completion and type checking. We also use the possibility to compile to ES5 or ES6. Depending on the projects browser matrix.

The corresponding pattern file can be found in /patterns/jquery.typescript.boilerplate.ts

Plain and simple jQuery Plugins (legacy way)

That is the plain legacy jQuery Plugin boilerplate.

The corresponding pattern file can be found in /patterns/jquery.typescript.boilerplate.ts


We compile the CSS stylesheets from SASS. To organize the code as efficient as possible we use the BEM methodology: see


All react files go to /resources/react/ folder. The entry points of each React application must start in this folder, all necessary includes should lie in a dedicated application folder. All React files end with .jsx.

Example for an app called "test":

/resources/react/test.jsx /resources/react/test/TestClass1.jsx /resources/react/test/TestClass2.jsx and so on...


run the boilerplate with gulp serve

1. Our helpers

  • {{= ftf.include("path/to/file.html", { myValue: 123 }) }} - Include a html file. You can pass a json object with own data
  • {{= ftf.text(500) }} - Generate lorem ipsum text with 500 chars
  • {{= ftf.renderHbs("demo", "app/_mock/demo.json") }} - Render a hbs file with json data into static templates

@ToDo - add all helper functions

2. Folder structure

  • /app is where all of the actual frontend code is stored
  • /app/_assets holds static placeholder files like images, audio- and video files.
  • /app/_mock holds files that would be generated dynamically (such as nav.json) by the cms implementing the frontend
  • /app/_partials holds snippets of html code that are reused throughout the frontend
  • /app/resources holds JavaScript, TypeScript, SASS/CSS and other files
  • /test is where we put automated tests for Travis CI and Nightwatch Testing with Selenium


Nightwatch.js is an End-to-End (E2E) testing solution for browser based apps and websites using Selenium to automatically perform commands and assertions on DOM elements.

There are two different Gulp Tasks: 'test' for using an external Selenium server and 'test:dev' to start the test on a local selenium. The npm packages for 'test:local' are not included in the package.json, so you need to install them manually.

Travis CI Testing is used for automated boilerplate testing. It uses Mocha/Chai and checks the build process and compares the generated static files with there fixtures. To run the tests locally execute mocha test/travis/build.js from terminal. Install mocha globally.

gulp test

Gulp task for testing on external Selenium server. Add your settings in the configuration file /test/nightwatch/nightwatch.js

gulp test -url=

'-url' can be used in nightwatch tests with 'browser.launch_url'. Example:

module.exports = {
   'Visual Test - Stage Component': function(browser) {
         .url(browser.launch_url + '/90demo.01icons.html')
         .waitForElementPresent('body', 3000)

gulp test:dev

Add your settings in the configuration file /test/nightwatch/ npm packages to install: Selenium.jar: npm install selenium-server-standalone-jar GraficMagick: npm install gm

Download and install imageMagick:


run the boilerplate with gulp build If everything is correct, you will find a build version of your code in the dist directory. This contains among others a min and concat version of your js and css files


There is a gulp task for doing releases. Use gulp release --type=[major,minor,patch,prerelease] will do the following steps for you:

  1. update package.json version
  2. git commit the changed package.json
  3. git push
  4. set a GIT tag for this version
  5. coming soon: create a diff changelog from last version to this version


Line-break errors in eslint

If there are line-break errors in eslint, it may be because false line endings set by git. To prevent this use the git config "core.autocrlf". Use the command "git config core.autocrlf false" to prevent windows from using crlf instead of lf.

gulp serve malloc error (Unix Only)

************** gulp(975,0x104c15000) malloc: *** error for object 0x10164201c: pointer being freed was not allocated *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug **************

This is caused by missing sass files. Be sure you've done a bower install before gulp serve.