Panda language is a compiled programming language that aims to achieve blend of simplicity and power.
The compiler generates assembly code and utilizes the NASM assembler for execution.
Requires nasm
and ld
on a Linux operating system.
git clone
cd Panda-Lang
mkdir build
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build
Executable will be ./panda <file.pd>
in the build/
./panda test.pd
This command will generate a test.asm
file. To execute it, utilize the appropriate NASM assembler commands based on your operating system.
Below is an example command specifically for MacOS:
cd ../test/outputFile
nasm -f macho64 test.asm && ld test.o -o test -demangle -dynamic -macos_version_min 11.0 -L/usr/local/lib -syslibroot /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk -lSystem -no_pie && ./test; echo $?
let: digit num1 = 27;
let: string name = "Vishal";
#code block
#code block
for(let: digit i = 0; i<10; i = i +1 ){
#code block
#code block
ret 0;
Implementation of vectors and map to store collections of data is currently under development.