Basic Watir Webdriver Cucumber and Page Object Design Pattern implementation.
Build Status: localhost
- Bundle and Ruby with Devkit on Windows
- Clone this repository from Github
- Install Ruby 1.9
- In root directory, run 'bundle install'
- Then run 'rake'
Plugin : HTML Publisher plugin Build
Execute Windows batch command : @REM File to be deleted SET FileToDelete="E:\Training\CucumberWatir\Project\demo_watir_cucumber\report\features_report.html" IF EXIST %FileToDelete% del /F %FileToDelete%
Execute Windows batch command : set PATH=C:\Ruby193\bin cd E:\Training\CucumberWatir\Project\demo_watir_cucumber bundle install
Execute Windows batch command : set PATH=C:\Ruby193\bin cd C:..\demo_watir_cucumber cucumber --no-source --format pretty --format json --out=report\features_report.json
Execute Windows batch command : set PATH=C:\Ruby193\bin cd C:..\demo_watir_cucumber cucumber --no-source --format pretty --format html --out=report\features_report.html
Post-build Actions Publish HTML reports HTML directory to archive : C:..\demo_watir_cucumber\report Index page[s] : features_report.html Report title: Cucumber Report
Alternate way Install ruby plugin SET RUBY_HOME in path Install rake plugin Give Rake Task Name
HUB : java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.45.0.jar -role hub NODE : java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.45.0.jar -role node -hub http://localhost:4444/grid/register