A puppet-module which configures the jetty
The generated rpm package from the jetty directory using maven needs to be uploaded to an available repository so the puppet module can install it.
You could use for example my packagecloud.io repository which you can install on CentOS by:
$ curl https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/visibilityspots/packages/script.rpm | sudo bash
Tested on a CentOS 6.5 machine using puppet 3.5.1 and ruby 1.8.7
$pkg_name = defaults to 'jetty-9-1.3',
To implement using the defaults or with hiera support:
node 'jetty' {
include jetty
For an implementation with custom values without hiera support:
node 'jetty' {
class {
pkg_name => 'jetty-9-1.4',