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About the visit [email protected] email archive

Mark (he/his) C. Miller edited this page Feb 2, 2022 · 19 revisions

Due to a number of user inquiries, we have imported our [email protected] email archive to GitHub discussions.

You may have followed a link from such a discussion to this page.

Caveats about the import process

  • Although it might have been appropriate to import the email into a Q&A type of discussion, a challenge in so doing would have been to automate identifying which reply, if any, is considered the answer. That would require human intervention and we don't have the resources for that.
  • Every discussion (and follow-up comment) will appear to GitHub as having been entered on the date the import was done and by the GitHub user who did the import.
    • Refer to Date and From lines (at the top of each post) for the true origination information.
  • Each email thread defines a discussion (original post and replies).
  • Long message bodies were truncated to < 20,000 characters.
  • Original message formatting was lost including any embedded links.
  • Attachments were lost.
  • Anything looking like it could have been a phone number was masked out.
    • In some cases, this lead to unavoidable corruption of raw numerical data in a message body.
  • Content here can be discovered from Google, searched and browsed but all discussions are locked to new comments.
  • Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about a given post here.
  • You can view the actual import script we developed and used.

Challenges with GitHub discussions

GitHub Discussions is still considered in beta service. There are some issues with the service and we have reported them...

  • Pagination buttons (bottom of page) for specific category max at 40. There is no way even to manually edit the ?page= portion of the URL to step through more pages. The only way you can see all pages represented here is by viewing all discussions. We don't think this is a large concern because we don't expect too many users to just browse discussions by marching through pages.