Vite Desktop Wallet v1.3.20
We are glad to announce that the first stable version of the Vite Desktop Wallet has been released. Compared with the web wallet, it is more secure, and provides better user experience.
New Features:
- Wallet backup and restore;
- New account creation;
- Changing reward withdrawal address for SBP;
- Transaction notification and un-received transaction reminder;
- Switching network between Vite Mainnet and Testnet;
- All functions of the web wallet (Ledger is not yet supported).
Integrity Verification
Please follow the below steps to verify the integrity of the installation file. Related link: https://github.com/vitelabs/vite-wallet#verify
For Mac:
gpg --verify Vite-Wallet-1.3.20-mac.dmg.asc Vite-Wallet-1.3.20-mac.dmg
For Windows:
gpg --verify Vite-Wallet-1.3.20-win.exe.asc Vite-Wallet-1.3.20-win.exe