A application to found CEPs of Brazil, consulting ViaCEP API and storing in cache. Develop in Laravel 11 using Flowbite for UI.
- PHP ^8.2
- Composer ^2.7
- Node ^22.5
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/VitorNuness/cep-consulting.git cep-consulting
Install dependencies
composer install npm install
Copy environment variables
cp .env.example .env
Generate the key application and run migrations:
php artisan key:generate php artisan migrate
This page show the result of CEP put in the search input.
When the given CEP exists, can be see your data.
But, if the given CEP no exists, a message show.
GET /api/{cep}
When given a valid CEP:
{ "cep": string, "logradouro": string, "complemento": string, "unidade": string, "bairro": string, "localidade": string, "uf": string, "ibge": string, "gia": string, "ddd": string, "siafi": string }
When given a invalid CEP:
{ null }
This application is intended for personal studies using the third-party API.
Consult ViaCEP to more information.