Find scss files by mask and bundles into a single file. Recursive search for all @import ...
All imported files (e.g variables
, mixins
) will be added at the beginning by default priority
Or you may specify your own priority.
If you want to use bundle-scss
npm i -D bundle-scss
Usage: bundle-scss [options]
Concatenate multiple scss files into one
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-m, --mask <mask> mask for files which have to be concatenate. Example \"./src/**/*.theme.scss\".
You may pass several definitions in Array
-d, --dest <dest> Output file desination. Example `\"./dist/themes.scss\"`
-s, --sort <sort> Optional. Sort priority.
Example: `variable` - will pass all variables files at the beginning
Default priority ['theme-variable', 'variable', 'mixin']
-c, --config Shows that parameters `mask`, `dest`, `sort`(optional) should be specified in `package-json` or `.bundle-style-conf.json`
-i, --ignoreComments with this flag it will ignore commented imports`
const bundleScss = require("bundle-scss");
bundleScss(mask, dest, sort?)
mask - \"./src/**/*.theme.scss\", you may pass several definitions in Array
dest - Output file desination. `.dist/dist/theme.scss`. `.dist/dist/` will be created, if it not exist
sort - Optional. Defines sort ordering. Default priority ['theme-variable', 'variable', 'mixin']"
//package.json scripts
"script": {
"postbuild": "npm run themes",
"themes": "bundle-scss -m \"./src/**/*.theme.scss\" -d \"./dist/themes.scss\""
- have to specify post task related to your project
"script": {
"postbuild": "npm run themes",
"themes": "bundle-scss --config"
"bundleStyle": {
"dest": "./des/themes.scss",
"mask": "./src/**/*.theme.scss",
"sort": ["first-priority", "second-priority", "mixin"] // part of filenames
or .bundle-style-conf.json
"dest": "./des/themes.scss",
"mask": "./src/**/*.theme.scss",
"sort": ["first-priority", "second-priority", "mixin"] // part of filenames
Use the same config with sass
file extesions instead of scss
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