##Running tests with specific tags
To run scenarios with @debug1 and @debug2: mvn verify -Dcucumber.options="--tags @debug1 --tags @debug2"
To run scenarios with @debug1 or @debug2: mvn verify -Dcucumber.options="--tags @debug1,@debug2"
Configuration defined in ApplicationProperties.java
You can specify environment to run -Dapplication.env=local -Dapplication.env=dev
Yes you can specify which browser to use by using one of the following switches:
- -Dbrowser=firefox
- -Dbrowser=chrome
- -Dbrowser=ie
- -Dbrowser=edge
- -Dbrowser=safari
- -Dbrowser=phantomjs
- -Dbrowser=opera
You can specify a grid to connect to where you can choose your browser, browser version and platform:
- -Dapplication.remotDriver=true
- -DseleniumGridURL=http://{username}:{accessKey}@ondemand.saucelabs.com:80/wd/hub
- -Dplatform=xp
- -Dbrowser=firefox
- -DbrowserVersion=44
You can also specify a proxy to use
- -Dapplication.proxyEnabled=true
- -Dapplication.proxyHost=localhost
- -Dapplication.proxyPost=8080
Screenshots are taken and included in cucumber report