FuzzyFileFinder is a (somewhat improved) implementation of TextMate’s “cmd-T” functionality. It allows you to search for a file by specifying a pattern of characters that appear in that file’s name. Unlike TextMate, FuzzyFileFinder also lets you match against the file’s directory, so you can more easily scope your search.
Quickly search directory trees for files
Avoids accidentally scanning huge directories by implementing a ceiling (default 10,000 entries)
Simple highlighting of matches to discover how a pattern matched
In a nutshell:
require 'fuzzy_file_finder' finder = FuzzyFileFinder.new finder.search "app/blogcon" do |match| puts "[%5d] %s" % [match[:score] * 10000, match[:highlighted_path]] end matches = finder.find("app/blogcon").sort_by { |m| [-m[:score], m[:path] } matches.each do |match| puts "[%5d] %s" % [match[:score] * 10000, match[:highlighted_path]] end
See FuzzyFileFinder for more documentation, and links to further information.
gem install –source=gems.github.com jamis-fuzzy_file_finder
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