EV Account service is a microservice meant to handle all the account operations such as: login, signup, account updates and more. It is build on top of the Grpc communication protocol and uses protobuf to define messages.
# Script that initialises and runs the db container
# Without a running db, account service will fail to compile
# This command build the image and generates some config files along the way
docker build --build-arg db_host=<IP_OF_DB_HOST> -f docker/Dockerfile .
# Run the service exposing the DB port
docker run -p 50051:50051 -it <IMAGE_TAG>
# Call the signup endpoint using the grpcurl utilitary
grpcurl -plaintext -import-path ./protos -proto endpoints.proto -d '{"username":"vladdd", "password":"test", "email":"[email protected]"}' '' account_service_rpc.AccountService/signUp
# Run only integration tests
cargo test --test '*'
# Run only unit tests
cargo test --lib
# Run all tests available
cargo test