JSON query and transformation language
##Introduction The primary purpose of this language is to extract values from JSON documents, with the additional capabilities to combine these values using a set of basic functions and operators, and also the ability to format the output into any arbitrary JSON structure.
npm install jsonata
##Usage In node.js (works in v4.4 and later):
var jsonata = require("jsonata");
var data = { "example": [ {"value": 4}, {"value": 7}, {"value": 13}] };
var expression = "$sum(example.value)";
var result = jsonata(expression).evaluate(data); // returns 24
In a browser (works in latest Chrome, Firefox, Safari):
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>JSONata test</title>
<script src="lib/jsonata.js"></script>
<button onclick="alert(jsonata('[1..10]').evaluate())">Click me</button>
##Tutorial A tutorial on the JSONata language is available here
##Developers If you want to run the latest code from git, here's how to get started:
Clone the code:
git clone https://github.com/jsonata-js/jsonata.git cd jsonata
Install the development dependencies (there are no runtime dependencies):
npm install
Run the tests
npm t
If an expression throws an error, e.g. syntax error or a runtime error (type error), then the object thrown has a consistent structure containing the column number of the error, the token that caused the error, and any other relevant information, including a meaningful message string.
For example:
{ "position": 16, "token": "}", "value": "]", "message": "Syntax error: expected ']' got '}' at column 16" }
##More Information Tutorial tutorial.md Function library functions.md
See the CONTRIBUTING.md for details of how to contribute to this repo.