This collection has been tested against following Ansible versions: >=2.9.10.
- Collection supports >= 3.5
Ansible must be installed
pip install ansible
Install ALB collection using ansible-galaxy
ansible-galaxy collection install vmware.alb
Install ALB collection using requirements.yml
Create requirements.yml
file using below contents
- name: vmware.alb
Install the collection:
ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml
ALB collection depends upon following third party libraries:
- ovftool Please downlod the ovftool from:
cd /home/user/downloads
chmod 755 VMware-ovftool-4.4.0-15722219-lin.x86_64.bundle
sudo ./VMware-ovftool-4.4.0-15722219-lin.x86_64.bundle
After ALB collection installation we need to install the required python libraries using following command:
pip install -r ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/vmware/alb/requirements.txt
Name | Description |
vmware.alb.avi_actiongroupconfig | Module to create update or delete ActionGroupConfig |
vmware.alb.avi_albservicesconfig | Module to create update or delete ALBServicesConfig |
vmware.alb.avi_albservicesfiledownload | Module to create update or delete ALBServicesFileDownload |
vmware.alb.avi_albservicesfileupload | Module to create update or delete ALBServicesFileUpload |
vmware.alb.avi_albservicesjob | Module to create update or delete ALBServicesJob |
vmware.alb.avi_alertconfig | Module to create update or delete AlertConfig |
vmware.alb.avi_alertemailconfig | Module to create update or delete AlertEmailConfig |
vmware.alb.avi_alertscriptconfig | Module to create update or delete AlertScriptConfig |
vmware.alb.avi_alertsyslogconfig | Module to create update or delete AlertSyslogConfig |
vmware.alb.avi_analyticsprofile | Module to create update or delete AnalyticsProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_api_fileservice | Module to create update or delete ApiFileservice |
vmware.alb.avi_api_image | Module to create update or delete ApiImage |
vmware.alb.avi_api_session | Module to create update or delete ApiSession |
vmware.alb.avi_api_version | Module to create update or delete ApiVersion |
vmware.alb.avi_applicationpersistenceprofile | Module to create update or delete ApplicationPersistenceProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_applicationprofile | Module to create update or delete ApplicationProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_authmappingprofile | Module to create update or delete AuthMappingProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_authprofile | Module to create update or delete AuthProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_autoscalelaunchconfig | Module to create update or delete AutoScaleLaunchConfig |
vmware.alb.avi_availabilityzone | Module to create update or delete AvailabilityZone |
vmware.alb.avi_backup | Module to create update or delete Backup |
vmware.alb.avi_backupconfiguration | Module to create update or delete BackupConfiguration |
vmware.alb.avi_bootstrap_controller | Module to create update or delete BootstrapController |
vmware.alb.avi_botconfigconsolidator | Module to create update or delete BotConfigConsolidator |
vmware.alb.avi_botdetectionpolicy | Module to create update or delete BotDetectionPolicy |
vmware.alb.avi_botipreputationtypemapping | Module to create update or delete BotIPReputationTypeMapping |
vmware.alb.avi_botmapping | Module to create update or delete BotMapping |
vmware.alb.avi_certificatemanagementprofile | Module to create update or delete CertificateManagementProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_cloud | Module to create update or delete Cloud |
vmware.alb.avi_cloudconnectoruser | Module to create update or delete CloudConnectorUser |
vmware.alb.avi_cloudproperties | Module to create update or delete CloudProperties |
vmware.alb.avi_cluster | Module to create update or delete Cluster |
vmware.alb.avi_clusterclouddetails | Module to create update or delete ClusterCloudDetails |
vmware.alb.avi_controllerportalregistration | Module to create update or delete ControllerPortalRegistration |
vmware.alb.avi_controllerproperties | Module to create update or delete ControllerProperties |
vmware.alb.avi_controllersite | Module to create update or delete ControllerSite |
vmware.alb.avi_csrfpolicy | Module to create update or delete CSRFPolicy |
vmware.alb.avi_customipamdnsprofile | Module to create update or delete CustomIpamDnsProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_deploy_controller | Module to create update or delete DeployController |
vmware.alb.avi_dnspolicy | Module to create update or delete DnsPolicy |
vmware.alb.avi_dynamicdnsrecord | Module to create update or delete DynamicDnsRecord |
vmware.alb.avi_errorpagebody | Module to create update or delete ErrorPageBody |
vmware.alb.avi_errorpageprofile | Module to create update or delete ErrorPageProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_federationcheckpoint | Module to create update or delete FederationCheckpoint |
vmware.alb.avi_fileobject | Module to create update or delete FileObject |
vmware.alb.avi_geodb | Module to create update or delete GeoDB |
vmware.alb.avi_gslb | Module to create update or delete Gslb |
vmware.alb.avi_gslbgeodbprofile | Module to create update or delete GslbGeoDbProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_gslbservice | Module to create update or delete GslbService |
vmware.alb.avi_gslbservice_patch_member | Module to create update or delete GslbservicePatchMember |
vmware.alb.avi_hardwaresecuritymodulegroup | Module to create update or delete HardwareSecurityModuleGroup |
vmware.alb.avi_healthmonitor | Module to create update or delete HealthMonitor |
vmware.alb.avi_httppolicyset | Module to create update or delete HTTPPolicySet |
vmware.alb.avi_icapprofile | Module to create update or delete IcapProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_image | Module to create update or delete Image |
vmware.alb.avi_inventoryfaultconfig | Module to create update or delete InventoryFaultConfig |
vmware.alb.avi_ipaddrgroup | Module to create update or delete IpAddrGroup |
vmware.alb.avi_ipamdnsproviderprofile | Module to create update or delete IpamDnsProviderProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_ipreputationdb | Module to create update or delete IPReputationDB |
vmware.alb.avi_jwtserverprofile | Module to create update or delete JWTServerProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_l4policyset | Module to create update or delete L4PolicySet |
vmware.alb.avi_labelgroup | Module to create update or delete LabelGroup |
vmware.alb.avi_licenseledgerdetails | Module to create update or delete LicenseLedgerDetails |
vmware.alb.avi_licensestatus | Module to create update or delete LicenseStatus |
vmware.alb.avi_memorybalancerrequest | Module to create update or delete MemoryBalancerRequest |
vmware.alb.avi_microservicegroup | Module to create update or delete MicroServiceGroup |
vmware.alb.avi_natpolicy | Module to create update or delete NatPolicy |
vmware.alb.avi_network | Module to create update or delete Network |
vmware.alb.avi_networkprofile | Module to create update or delete NetworkProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_networksecuritypolicy | Module to create update or delete NetworkSecurityPolicy |
vmware.alb.avi_networkservice | Module to create update or delete NetworkService |
vmware.alb.avi_nsxtsegmentruntime | Module to create update or delete NsxtSegmentRuntime |
vmware.alb.avi_pkiprofile | Module to create update or delete PKIProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_pool | Module to create update or delete Pool |
vmware.alb.avi_poolgroup | Module to create update or delete PoolGroup |
vmware.alb.avi_poolgroupdeploymentpolicy | Module to create update or delete PoolGroupDeploymentPolicy |
vmware.alb.avi_prioritylabels | Module to create update or delete PriorityLabels |
vmware.alb.avi_protocolparser | Module to create update or delete ProtocolParser |
vmware.alb.avi_pulse_registration | Module to create update or delete PulseRegistration |
vmware.alb.avi_role | Module to create update or delete Role |
vmware.alb.avi_saml_api_session | Module to create update or delete SamlApiSession |
vmware.alb.avi_scheduler | Module to create update or delete Scheduler |
vmware.alb.avi_securitymanagerdata | Module to create update or delete SecurityManagerData |
vmware.alb.avi_securitypolicy | Module to create update or delete SecurityPolicy |
vmware.alb.avi_seproperties | Module to create update or delete SeProperties |
vmware.alb.avi_serverautoscalepolicy | Module to create update or delete ServerAutoScalePolicy |
vmware.alb.avi_serviceauthprofile | Module to create update or delete ServiceAuthProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_serviceengine | Module to create update or delete ServiceEngine |
vmware.alb.avi_serviceenginegroup | Module to create update or delete Serviceenginegroup |
vmware.alb.avi_serviceenginegroup | Module to create update or delete ServiceEngineGroup |
vmware.alb.avi_serviceenginegroup_advanced | Module to create update or delete ServiceenginegroupAdvanced |
vmware.alb.avi_siteversion | Module to create update or delete SiteVersion |
vmware.alb.avi_snmptrapprofile | Module to create update or delete SnmpTrapProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_sslkeyandcertificate | Module to create update or delete SSLKeyAndCertificate |
vmware.alb.avi_sslprofile | Module to create update or delete SSLProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_ssopolicy | Module to create update or delete SSOPolicy |
vmware.alb.avi_statediffoperation | Module to create update or delete StatediffOperation |
vmware.alb.avi_statediffsnapshot | Module to create update or delete StatediffSnapshot |
vmware.alb.avi_stringgroup | Module to create update or delete StringGroup |
vmware.alb.avi_systemconfiguration | Module to create update or delete SystemConfiguration |
vmware.alb.avi_systemlimits | Module to create update or delete SystemLimits |
vmware.alb.avi_systemreport | Module to create update or delete SystemReport |
vmware.alb.avi_tenant | Module to create update or delete Tenant |
vmware.alb.avi_tenantsystemconfiguration | Module to create update or delete TenantSystemConfiguration |
vmware.alb.avi_testsedatastorelevel1 | Module to create update or delete TestSeDatastoreLevel1 |
vmware.alb.avi_testsedatastorelevel2 | Module to create update or delete TestSeDatastoreLevel2 |
vmware.alb.avi_testsedatastorelevel3 | Module to create update or delete TestSeDatastoreLevel3 |
vmware.alb.avi_trafficcloneprofile | Module to create update or delete TrafficCloneProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_update_se_data_vnics | Module to create update or delete UpdateSeDataVnics |
vmware.alb.avi_upgradestatusinfo | Module to create update or delete UpgradeStatusInfo |
vmware.alb.avi_upgradestatussummary | Module to create update or delete UpgradeStatusSummary |
vmware.alb.avi_user | Module to create update or delete User |
vmware.alb.avi_useraccount | Module to create update or delete Useraccount |
vmware.alb.avi_useraccountprofile | Module to create update or delete UserAccountProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_vcenterserver | Module to create update or delete VCenterServer |
vmware.alb.avi_virtualservice | Module to create update or delete VirtualService |
vmware.alb.avi_vrfcontext | Module to create update or delete VrfContext |
vmware.alb.avi_vsdatascriptset | Module to create update or delete VSDataScriptSet |
vmware.alb.avi_vsgs | Module to create update or delete VsGs |
vmware.alb.avi_vsvip | Module to create update or delete VsVip |
vmware.alb.avi_wafapplicationsignatureprovider | Module to create update or delete WafApplicationSignatureProvider |
vmware.alb.avi_wafpolicy | Module to create update or delete WafPolicy |
vmware.alb.avi_wafpolicypsmgroup | Module to create update or delete WafPolicyPSMGroup |
vmware.alb.avi_wafprofile | Module to create update or delete WafProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_webapput | Module to create update or delete WebappUT |
vmware.alb.avi_webhook | Module to create update or delete Webhook |
Refer testing for more information.
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
- vmware.alb
- name: Example to create a Pool object
username: "admin"
password: "something"
controller: ""
api_version: "21.1.1"
name: app1-pool
- ip:
addr: ""
type: 'V4'
Example usage of external credentials/variable file while using alb module
# creds.yml
controller: ""
username: "admin"
password: "password"
api_version: 20.1.5
# example.yml
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
- vmware.alb
- creds.yml
- name: Example to create a Pool object
avi_credentials: "{{ avi_credentials | default(omit) }}"
name: app1-pool
- ip:
addr: ""
type: 'V4'
Example for using aviconfig role:
# config.yml
- name: role1-pool
- ip:
type: 'V4'
# collection.yml
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
- vmware.alb
- name: Create pool using aviconfig role
name: aviconfig
avi_config_file: "config.yml"
avi_creds_file: "creds.yml"
# avi_creds_file parameter is only valid for aviconfig role.
# For importing credentials from external file in modules,
# please use vars_files parameter as shown in previous example
Notes Please use Python >= 3.8 if you are using avi_serviceenginegroup module as it has more than 255 arguments