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POI in a Container

Oliver Kurth edited this page May 17, 2024 · 3 revisions

POI in a Container

The container needs to be run as root, at least if using create-image because we need access to the loop device for creating disk images. Rootless docker does not work.

Create Image

sudo docker buildx build -t photon/installer .

To build with local changes in photon-os-installer:

sudo docker buildx build --build-context poi-helper=/home/okurth/projects/photon-os-installer -t poi-debug .


The builder makes heavy use of the kickstart config files, please see for documentation. Example config files are in the examples/ folder.

Configuration files are expected to be in /workdir, ideally it is mounted to the current working directory with -v(pwd):/workdir.

There are 3 scripts integrated into the container: create-repo, create-image, and create-ova. All of these print out usage information when invoked with -h. Example:

$ sudo docker run --rm poi-debug create-image -h
[sudo] password for okurth:
Usage: /usr/bin/create-image
          [-c|--config <config-file>] (required)
          [-v|--releasever <version>] (default is 5.0)
          [--repo-paths] (default /repo)

Create a Local Repository

This is not strictly need, but useful to save downloads when creating images repeatedly. This will scan the config file for all needed packages, download with their dependencies and create a repository. The repo is assumed to be mounted to /repo in the container.


Usage: /usr/bin/create-repo
          [-c|--config <config-file>] (required)
          [-v|--releasever <version>] (default is 5.0)
          [--repo-paths] (default )


sudo docker run --rm --privileged -v/dev:/dev -v$(pwd):/workdir -v /home/okurth/poi/repo/4.0:/repo poi-debug create-repo -c ami_40_ks.yaml -v 4.0

Create an Image

The container needs to be invoked with the arguments --privileged -v/dev:/dev to be able to access the loop device. The repository is expected to be mounted to /repo, but can be overridden with --repo-paths. If not repositories shall be set, set it to an empty value: --repo-paths=. This is useful if repositories are configured in the ks file.


Usage: /usr/bin/create-image
          [-c|--config <config-file>] (required)
          [-v|--releasever <version>] (default is 5.0)
          [--repo-paths] (default /repo)


sudo docker run --rm --privileged -v/dev:/dev -v$(pwd):/workdir -v /home/okurth/poi/repo/5.0:/repo poi-debug create-image -c minimal_ks.yaml -v 5.0
sudo docker run --rm --privileged -v/dev:/dev -v$(pwd):/workdir -v /home/okurth/poi/repo/4.0:/repo poi-debug create-image -c ami_40_ks.yaml -v 4.0

Create an OVA

This will create an OVA image, using open-vmdk, see


Usage: /usr/bin/create-ova
          [--installer-config <config-file>]
          [--raw-image <image-file>]
          [--ova-name <name>]
          [--ova-config <ova-config-file>] (required)


sudo docker run -ti --rm --privileged -v/dev:/dev -v$(pwd):/workdir -v /home/okurth/poi/repo/:/repo poi-debug create-ova --installer-config minimal_ks.yaml --ova-config minimal.yaml --ova-name minimal --raw-image minimal.img


Create an AMI image

There are example files in examples/ami. Edit the files ami_ks.yaml, packages_ami.json and others as needed.

Create the repository first (optional):

sudo docker run --rm --privileged -v/dev:/dev -v$(pwd):/workdir -v /home/okurth/poi/repo/5.0:/repo poi-debug create-repo -c ami_ks.yaml -v 5.0

Then create the image:

sudo docker run --rm --privileged -v/dev:/dev -v$(pwd):/workdir -v /home/okurth/poi/repo/5.0:/repo poi-debug create-image -c ami_ks.yaml -v 5.0

This will result in a raw disk image, the name of the file is configured in the file ami_ks.yaml with disks.default.filename.

Note that the raw image may be large (same size as the disk), but most of the space will be unused (zero). This can be simply compressed, for example into a tar file:

tar zcf tar zcf photon-ami.tar.gz photon-ami.raw

Create an RPi image

The container image supports multiple architectures (arm64 and x86_64), and can be built with another architecture to build disk images for another architecture:

Note: It also required following packages need to be installed in host for cross platform docker images.

qemu binfmt-support qemu-user-static
sudo docker buildx build --build-context poi-helper=/home/okurth/projects/photon-os-installer --platform=linux/arm64 -t arm64/poi-debug .

This can be used to create Photon images for a Raspberry Pi. Example config files are in examples/rpi.

Creating the repo and building an image is very similar to building AMI, just use the arm64 container instead:

sudo docker run --rm --privileged -v/dev:/dev -v$(pwd):/workdir -v /home/okurth/poi/repo/5.0:/repo arm64/poi-debug create-image -c rpi_ks.yaml -v 5.0
sudo docker run --rm --privileged -v/dev:/dev -v$(pwd):/workdir -v /home/okurth/poi/repo/5.0:/repo arm64/poi-debug create-image -c rpi_ks.yaml -v 5.0

Create an OVA

Building an OVA involves creating a raw image just like other images, but requires the additional step of converting the raw disk image to a vmdk file and package it into an OVA.

Example config files are in examples/ova. It includes a config file to create the OVA (minimal.yaml), which is used by ova-compose, which ships as part of the container. Please see for documentation.


sudo docker run --rm --privileged -v/dev:/dev -v$(pwd):/workdir -v /home/okurth/poi/repo/5.0:/repo poi-debug create-image -c minimal_ks.yaml -v 5.0
sudo docker run -ti --rm --privileged -v/dev:/dev -v$(pwd):/workdir -v /home/okurth/poi/repo/:/repo poi-debug create-ova --installer-config minimal_ks.yaml --ova-config minimal.yaml --ova-name minimal --raw-image minimal.img

Create an AZURE image

There are example files in examples/azure. Edit the files azure_ks.yaml, packages_azure.json and others as needed.

Create the repository first (optional):

sudo docker run --rm --privileged -v/dev:/dev -v$(pwd):/workdir -v ${REPO_PATH}:/repo poi-debug create-repo -c azure_ks.yaml -v 5.0

Then create the image:

sudo docker run --rm --privileged -v/dev:/dev -v$(pwd):/workdir -v ${REPO_PATH}:/repo poi-debug create-image -c azure_ks.yaml -v 5.0

This will result in a raw disk image, the name of the file is configured in the file azure_ks.yaml with disks.default.filename.

Then create the azure image:

sudo docker run -ti --rm --privileged -v/dev:/dev -v$(pwd):/workdir -v ${REPO_PATH}:/repo poi-debug create-azure --raw-image ${RAW_IMAGE}

This will result in a azure image with azure_ks.yaml with disks.default.filename.vhd.tar.gz.

Create an ISO Image


sudo docker run --rm --privileged -v/dev:/dev -v$(pwd):/workdir -v /home/okurth/poi/repo/5.0:/repo photon/installer photon-iso-builder -f build-iso -v 5.0 -p packages_minimal.json

Or using a config file:

function: build-iso

photon_release_version: "5.0"

packageslist_file: packages_minimal.json

initrd_pkgs_list_file: packages_installer_initrd.json

kickstart_path: minimal_ks.yaml

# uncomment for non-interactive install
#boot_cmdline_param: ks=minimal_ks.yaml

    - /repo
    - /poi

    minimal_ks.yaml: isolinux/
    "": isolinux/
    "": ""
    "": ""
    "": ""
    "": ""

    minimal_ks.yaml: installer/
    packages_minimal.json: installer/
    "": installer/
    "": installer/

Use the config file as (iso.yaml) with:

sudo docker run --rm --privileged -v/dev:/dev -v$(pwd):/workdir -v /home/okurth/poi/repo/5.0:/repo photon/installer photon-iso-builder -y iso.yaml