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Versioning and releasing

Nikolay Blagoev edited this page Apr 11, 2021 · 1 revision

Git Flow

A standard GitFlow workflow can be applied for the development, versioning and release of projects under vRDT management.



The version of a project under vRDT management is defined in the pom.xml file in the format: ..-SNAPSHOT, e.g. 1.2.3-SNAPSHOT. The format follows the semantic versioning proposal.

The versions are automatically managed, using the Maven release plugin, i.e. without manually editing the pom.xml. The only commits that will have the -SNAPSHOT removed are the release commits.

The -SNAPSHOT artifacts are typically continuously updated during development. When a project reaches a stable state that can be released, the version is baked using the Maven release plugin.


The release process of a project under vRDT management is controlled using a script -, performing automated steps for:

  • version management of the project and its modules
  • tagging git revisions with the released version
  • auto-committing and auto-pushing released version and revision for the next development iteration.

The script has the following arguments:

-v <version>    Specify the version to be released, e.g. 1.4.2. Default - the current dev version without SNAPSHOT.
-n <version>    Specify the next dev version. Default - maintenance increment of the released one with SNAPSHOT
-u <username>   User to be used for SCM.
-i <email>      Impersonate with the provided email. Sets the git temporary.
-r <url>        Repository URL. Assumes the POM property to be set to ${scmDeveloperConnection}
-h              Prints this help.

All arguments are optional. The default behavior is releasing the current snapshot version and incrementing the patch segment of the semantic version.

The ${scmDeveloperConnection} configuration is defined in the project's POM file. Refer to the following documentation for details on how to use the Maven SCM plugin.