Simple, lightweight, cross-browser and easy to use. See the Demo.
This directive will be useful if you need lazy load images in different ways on your websites. For example if your images stored under:
- spoilers
- sliders
- gallery
- some hidden block which appear to user by any action
This directive not listen any action like 'DOMContentLoaded load resize scroll' or some selectors click instead it update imagesToLazyLoad array every 50ms, and load that images which inViewport and isVisible (like':visible')), when all images loaded the loop will stop.
Installing through bower:
bower install angular-img-lazy-load --save
Add dependency to angular module.
angular.module('myModule', ['img-lazy-load']);
Simply add directive to yor image instead src attribute:
<img src-lazy="">
Note: if you need loader: simply add it to image src attr.
Define constant in the main file of your app in order to overwrite the default behaviour.
- tolerance - load images beforehand
- detectElement - add css to img: "min-width: 1px; min-height: 1px" in order to be detected by element.inViewport() function in case if element truly visible for user
angular.module('myModule', ['img-lazy-load'])
.constant('imgLazyLoadConf', {
tolerance: 200,
detectElement: true