This is another Chef based project that will initialize your Apple OS X machine with a full development stack. It is designed to be used on a clean OS X machine. Your mileage may vary.
You can customize the stack as you see fit, by modifying the recipes it runs.
Strudel is a pastry created by a chef. A common flavor of strudel is apple. MMMM tasty.
- Installs homebrew
- Installs git (actually homebrew does this)
- Installs postgresql
- Installs rvm and sets up 1.8.7 to be the default
- Setups up optional packages - (you can edit this list. - edit config/run_list.json)
This was last run by me (rx) August 2011 on a Powerbook with 10.6.x installed and Dev Tools 3.1.x.
Ruby and Rubygems. (This should be on your Mac already.)
XCode Dev Tools - (Install from your OS X DVD)
If you get a message about not being able to find make. You need to install XCode Dev Tools.
Download this project as a tarball and expand it.
Edit the config/run_list.json to suite your needs.
You may also want to change the rubies/attributes/default.rb file to change the version of ruby you install via rvm.
You then will need to setup your github:
Copyright Russell Edens and Voomify, LLC All Rights Reserved.