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IMPORTANT: This tap is still under development and should not be used in its current form.

tap-universal-file is a Singer tap for File.

Built with the Meltano Tap SDK for Singer Taps.


An example GitHub installation command:

pipx install git+


Accepted Config Options

Setting Required Default Description
stream_name False file The name of the stream that is output by the tap.
protocol True None The protocol to use to retrieve data. Must be either file or s3.
filepath True None The path to obtain files from. Example: /foo/bar. Or, for protocol==s3, use s3-bucket-name instead.
file_regex False None A regex pattern to only include certain files. Example: .*\.csv.
file_type False delimited Must be one of delimited, jsonl, or avro. Indicates the type of file to sync, where delimited is for CSV/TSV files and similar. Note that all files will be read as that type, regardless of file extension. To only read from files with a matching file extension, appropriately configure file_regex.
compression False detect The encoding used to decompress data. Must be one of none, zip, bz2, gzip, lzma, xz, or detect. If set to none or any encoding, that setting will be applied to all files, regardless of file extension. If set to detect, encodings will be applied based on file extension.
additional_info False 1 If True, each row in tap's output will have three additional columns: _sdc_file_name, _sdc_line_number, and _sdc_last_modified. If False, these columns will not be present. Incremental replication requires additional_info==True.
start_date False None Used in place of state. Files that were last modified before the start_date wwill not be synced.
delimited_error_handling False fail The method with which to handle improperly formatted records in delimited files. Must be either fail or ignore. fail will cause the tap to fail if an improperly formatted record is detected. ignore will ignore the fact that it is improperly formatted and process it anyway.
delimited_delimiter False detect The character used to separate records in a delimited file. Can ne any character or the special value detect. If a character is provided, all delimited files will use that value. detect will use , for .csv files, \t for .tsv files, and fail if other file types are present.
delimited_quote_character False " The character used to indicate when a record in a delimited file contains a delimiter character.
delimited_header_skip False 0 The number of initial rows to skip at the beginning of each delimited file.
delimited_footer_skip False 0 The number of initial rows to skip at the end of each delimited file.
delimited_override_headers False None An optional array of headers used to override the default column name in delimited files, allowing for headerless files to be correctly read.
jsonl_error_handling False fail The method with which to handle improperly formatted records in jsonl files. Must be either fail or ignore. fail will cause the tap to fail if an improperly formatted record is detected. ignore will ignore the fact that it is improperly formatted and process it anyway.
jsonl_sampling_strategy False first The strategy determining how to read the keys in a JSONL file. Must be either first or all. Currently, only first is supported, which will assume that the first record in a file is representative of all keys.
jsonl_type_coercion_strategy False any The strategy determining how to construct the schema for JSONL files when the types represented are ambiguous. Must be one of any, string, or envelope. any will provide a generic schema for all keys, allowing them to be any valid JSON type. string will require all keys to be strings and will convert other values accordingly. envelope will deliver each JSONL row as a JSON object with no internal schema.
avro_type_coercion_strategy False convert The strategy deciding how to convert Avro Schema to JSON Schema when the conversion is ambiguous. Must be either convert or envelope. convert will attempt to convert from Avro Schema to JSON Schema and will fail if a type can't be easily coerced. envelope will wrap each record in an object without providing an internalschema for the record.
s3_anonymous_connection False 0 Whether to use an anonymous S3 connection, without any credentials. Ignored if protocol!=s3.
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID False $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID The access key to use when authenticating to S3. Ignored if protocol!=s3 or s3_anonymous_connection=True. Defaults to the value of the environment variable of the same name.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY False $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY The access key secret to use when authenticating to S3. Ignored if protocol!=s3 or s3_anonymous_connection=True. Defaults to the value of the environment variable of the same name.
caching_strategy False once DEVELOPERS ONLY The caching method to use when protocol!=file. One of none, once, or persistent. none does not use caching at all. once (the default) will cache all files for the duration of the tap's invocation, then discard them upon completion. peristent will allow caches to persist between invocations of the tap, storing them in your OS's temp directory. It is recommended that you do not modify this setting.
stream_maps False None Config object for stream maps capability. For more information check out Stream Maps.
stream_map_config False None User-defined config values to be used within map expressions.
flattening_enabled False None 'True' to enable schema flattening and automatically expand nested properties.
flattening_max_depth False None The max depth to flatten schemas.
batch_config False None Object containing batch configuration information, as specified in the Meltano documentation. Has two child objects: encoding and storage.
batch_config.encoding False None Object containing information about how to encode batch information. Has two child entries: format and compression. False None Object containing information about how batch files should be stored. Has two child entries: root and prefix.
batch_config.encoding.format False None Format to store batch files in. Example: jsonl.
batch_config.encoding.compression False None Method with which to compress batch files. Example: gzip. False None Location to store batch files. Examples: file:///foo/bar, file://output, s3://bar/foo. Note that the triple-slash is not a typo: it indicates an absolute filepath. False None Prepended to the names of all batch files. Example: batch-.

A full list of supported settings and capabilities for this tap is available by running:

tap-universal-file --about

Additional S3 Dependency

If you use protocol=s3 and/or if you use batching to send data to S3, you will need to add the additional dependency s3. For example, you could update meltano.yml to have pip_url: -e .[s3].

Sample Batching Config

Here is an example meltano.yml entry to configure batch files, and then the same sample configuration in JSON.

  # ... other config options ...
      format: jsonl
      compression: gzip
      root: file:///foo/bar
      prefix: batch-
  # ... other config options ...
  "batch_config": {
    "encoding": {
      "format": "jsonl",
      "compression": "gzip",
    "storage": {
      "root": "file:///foo/bar",
      "prefix": "batch-",

Incremental Replication

If this tap is provided a state or start_date, it assumes that incremental replication is desired, in which case only files most recently modified will be synced. Attempting to override this behavior in meltano.yml can cause unintended behavior due this tap's use of state during the discovery process. Further note that this tap does not support incremental replication on any column other than _sdc_last_modified.

Configure using environment variables

This Singer tap will automatically import any environment variables within the working directory's .env if the --config=ENV is provided, such that config values will be considered if a matching environment variable is set either in the terminal context or in the .env file.

Source Authentication and Authorization


If you use S3, either for fetching files or for batching, you will need to obtain an access key and secret from AWS IAM. Specifically, protocol=s3 requires the ListBucket and GetObject permissions, and batching requires the PutObject permission.

You can create a policy that grants the requisite permissions with the following JSON:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "s3:ListBucket",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::YOUR_BUCKET_NAME"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::YOUR_BUCKET_NAME/*"

You can generate an access key for a specific account using the following command:

aws iam create-access-key --user-name=YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME

If you already have two access keys for an account, you will have to delete one of them first. You can delete an access key using the following command:

aws iam delete-access-key --user-name=YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME --access-key-id=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID


You can easily run tap-universal-file by itself or in a pipeline using Meltano.

Executing the Tap Directly

tap-universal-file --version
tap-universal-file --help
tap-universal-file --config CONFIG --discover > ./catalog.json

Developer Resources

Follow these instructions to contribute to this project.

Initialize your Development Environment

pipx install poetry
poetry install

Create and Run Tests

Create tests within the tests subfolder and then run:

poetry run pytest

You can also test the tap-universal-file CLI interface directly using poetry run:

poetry run tap-universal-file --help

Testing with Meltano

Note: This tap will work in any Singer environment and does not require Meltano. Examples here are for convenience and to streamline end-to-end orchestration scenarios.

Next, install Meltano (if you haven't already) and any needed plugins:

# Install meltano
pipx install meltano
# Initialize meltano within this directory
cd tap-universal-file
meltano install

Now you can test and orchestrate using Meltano:

# Test invocation:
meltano invoke tap-universal-file --version
# OR run a test `elt` pipeline:
meltano elt tap-universal-file target-jsonl

SDK Dev Guide

See the dev guide for more instructions on how to use the SDK to develop your own taps and targets.


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