An abstaction layer on top Xpay from for futher details, in depth specifications and installation guides of the xpay java applet
* install the xpay java applet and configure it according to the installation guidelines from SecureTrading ( * start the applet then install the gem: $ gem install xpay * configure by either creating a yaml file at config/xpay.yml or call Xpay.set_config with a hash * (make sure to use Xpay.set_config(options_hash) instead of setting the options direct as that would * prevent the new xml from being generated) * the following options can be set: - merchant_name - version - alias - site_reference - port - callback_url
* An example of a 3D-Secure Transaction -first: create the class instance for CreditCard, Customer and Operatioon CreditCard: cc = => "Visa", :number => "4111111111111160", :security_code => "123", :valid_until => "11/11") Customer: cus = => "Fred Bloggs") Operation: ops = => "GBP", :amount => 1999) Create payment instance p ={:creditcard => cc, :customer => cus, :operation => ops) Make payment rt = p.make_payment -second: depending on the return value rt: rt==0 An error occured during processing Check p.response_block[:error_code] for further details rt==1 Settlement request approve, check p.response_block for all the details rt==2 Settlement request declined, check p.response_block for all the details rt==-1 A redirection to an 3D-Secure server is necessary. All necessary information is contained in p.three_secure It has the following keys: :md a unique reference generated according to the 3D Secure specification (currently up to 1024 bytes in base64 format). it is passed as parameter in the callback from the 3D-Secure server and you will need to store it to find the transaction on callback :pareq The pareq contains purchase transaction details upon which ACS authentication decisions are based. If you are making your own customised redirect page instead of using the <Html> provided then this field MUST be included in that html, as a hidden field. The length of the PaReq is not explicitly defined by the 3-D Secure specification. We recommend allowing at least 4096 bytes for this field in any variables/storage systems. :termurl Your own callback url. If you are making your own customised redirect page instead of using the <Html> provided then this field MUST be included in that html as a hidden field. :acsurl This is the url of the ACS it should be used as the location of the redirect if you use your own form/redirect :html This value contains the complete html code if you don't want to use your own form. This can be achieved by sending your normal server headers to the client immediately followed by the contents of the <Html> tag. :request_xml This is a complete xml document as string that you need to pass to a new payment instance after the callback. You need to store this field for the callback. -third: after the callback from the 3D Secure Server: make sure that protect_from_forgery is switched off for this controller method as it is not transmitted by the callback you will have to paramaters in the params hash params[:MD] and params[:PaRes] Use params[:md] to find your stored transaction: create a new class instance with the request_xml stored in the transaction and params[:PaRes] from the callback p ={:xml => request_xml, :pares => params[:PaRes]) make the payment rt = p.make_payment The possible values of rt are as above. * more examples to follow
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