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vary parameters for 2D Burgers
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vpuri3 committed Jun 24, 2024
1 parent 38efec8 commit c0a3934
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Showing 2 changed files with 278 additions and 0 deletions.
81 changes: 81 additions & 0 deletions experiments_SNFROM/burg2D/burgers2d_compare.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
using NeuralROMs
using Plots, LaTeXStrings

joinpath(pkgdir(NeuralROMs), "experiments_SNFROM", "compare.jl") |> include

rng = Random.default_rng()
Random.seed!(rng, 199)

prob = BurgersViscous2D(1f-3)
datafile = joinpath(@__DIR__, "data_burgers2D/", "data.jld2")
device = Lux.gpu_device()

_Ib, Ib_ = [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7], [4,]
Ix = Colon()
_It = Colon()
makedata_kws = (; Ix, _Ib, Ib_, _It, It_ = :)

# latent
latent = 2
l_pca = 8

# train

l0 = lpad(latent, 2, "0")
lp = lpad(l_pca , 2, "0")

modeldir_PCA = joinpath(@__DIR__, "model_PCA$(lp)") # traditional
modeldir_CAE = joinpath(@__DIR__, "model_CAE$(l0)") # Lee, Carlberg
modeldir_SNL = joinpath(@__DIR__, "model_SNL$(l0)") # us (Lipschitz)
modeldir_SNW = joinpath(@__DIR__, "model_SNW$(l0)") # us (Weight decay)

# # train PCA
# train_PCA(datafile, modeldir_PCA, l_pca; rng, makedata_kws, device)

# # train_CAE
# train_params_CAE = (; E = 350, w = 64, act = elu, makedata_kws, _batchsize = 4, batchsize_ = 300)
# train_CAE_compare(prob, latent, datafile, modeldir_CAE, train_params_CAE; rng, device)

grid = (512, 512,)
_batchsize = prod(grid) * 1 # 1 (gpu usage 40% constant)
batchsize_ = prod(grid) * 8 # up to 32

# # train_SNL
# train_params_SNL = (; E = 210, wd = 128, α = 1f-4, makedata_kws, _batchsize, batchsize_)
# train_SNF_compare(latent, datafile, modeldir_SNL, train_params_SNL; rng, device)

# # train_SNW
# train_params_SNW = (; E = 210, wd = 128, γ = 1f-2, makedata_kws, _batchsize, batchsize_)
# train_SNF_compare(latent, datafile, modeldir_SNW, train_params_SNW; rng, device)

# postprocess

modelfile_PCA = joinpath(modeldir_PCA, "model.jld2")
modelfile_CAE = joinpath(modeldir_CAE, "model_07.jld2")
modelfile_SNL = joinpath(modeldir_SNL, "model_08.jld2")
modelfile_SNW = joinpath(modeldir_SNW, "model_07.jld2")

# postprocess_PCA(prob, datafile, modelfile_PCA; rng, device)
postprocess_CAE(prob, datafile, modelfile_CAE; rng)
# postprocess_SNF(prob, datafile, modelfile_SNL; rng, device)
# postprocess_SNF(prob, datafile, modelfile_SNW; rng, device)

# make figures

casename = "burgers2d"
modeldirs = (; modeldir_PCA, modeldir_CAE, modeldir_SNL, modeldir_SNW,)
labels = ("POD ($(2*l_pca) modes)", "CAE", "SNFL (ours)", "SNFW (ours)")

# _, p1, e1 = compare_plots(modeldirs, labels, @__DIR__, casename * "case1", 1, grid)
# _, p2, e2 = compare_plots(modeldirs, labels, @__DIR__, casename * "case2", 2, grid)
# _, p3, e3 = compare_plots(modeldirs, labels, @__DIR__, casename * "case3", 3, grid)
197 changes: 197 additions & 0 deletions experiments_SNFROM/burg2D/datagen_burgers2D.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
using FourierSpaces
using NeuralROMs

# add test dependencies to env stack
pkgpath = dirname(dirname(pathof(NeuralROMs)))
tstpath = joinpath(pkgpath, "test")
!(tstpath in LOAD_PATH) && push!(LOAD_PATH, tstpath)

using CUDA, LuxCUDA, LuxDeviceUtils, ComponentArrays
using OrdinaryDiffEq, LinearSolve, LinearAlgebra, Random
using Plots, JLD2, LaTeXStrings


T = Float32
_pi = Float32(pi)

odecb = begin
function affect!(int)
if int.iter % 1 == 0
println("[$(int.iter)] \t Time $(round(int.t; digits=8))s")

DiscreteCallback((u,t,int) -> true, affect!, save_positions=(false,false))

function uIC(x, y, μ) # 0.9 - 1.1
u = @. μ * sin(2π * x) * sin(2π * y) # [N, K]

u[x .< 0.0f0, :] .= 0
u[y .< 0.0f0, :] .= 0

u[x .> 0.5f0, :] .= 0
u[y .> 0.5f0, :] .= 0

ComponentArray(; vx = u, vy = copy(u))

function burgers2D(Nx, Ny, ν, mu = nothing, p = nothing;
tspan=(0.f0, 0.5f0),
odekw = (;),
device = cpu_device(),
dir = nothing,
if isnothing(mu)
mu = LinRange(0.9f0, 1.1f0, 7)
mu = reshape(mu, 1, :)

abstol = reltol = 1e-6 |> T

""" space discr """
interval = IntervalDomain(-0.25f0, 0.75f0; periodic = true)
domain = interval × interval
V = FourierSpace(Nx, Ny; domain) |> T
discr = Collocation()
x, y = points(V)

""" IC """
u0 = uIC(x,y, mu) .|> T
ps = ComponentArray(vel=u0)
V = make_transform(V, u0.vx; p=ps)

""" move to device """
V = V |> device
u0 = u0 |> device
ps = ps |> device

x, y = points(V)

""" operators """
Ax = -diffusionOp(ν, V, discr)
Ay = -diffusionOp(ν, V, discr)

Cx = advectionOp((zero(u0.vx), zero(u0.vy)), V, discr;
vel_update_funcs = (
(v,u,p,t) -> copy!(v, p.vel.vx),
(v,u,p,t) -> copy!(v, p.vel.vy),

Cy = advectionOp((zero(u0.vx), zero(u0.vy)), V, discr;
vel_update_funcs = (
(v,u,p,t) -> copy!(v, p.vel.vx),
(v,u,p,t) -> copy!(v, p.vel.vy),

Dtx = cache_operator(Ax - Cx, u0.vx)
Dty = cache_operator(Ay - Cy, u0.vy)

function ddt(u, p, t)
ps = ComponentArray(vel=u)

dvx = Dtx(u.vx, ps, t)
dvy = Dty(u.vy, ps, t)

ComponentArray(; vx = dvx, vy = dvy)

""" time discr """
tspan = tspan .|> T
tsave = range(tspan...; length = ntsave) .|> T
prob = ODEProblem(ddt, u0, tspan, p)

@time sol = solve(prob, odealg; saveat = tsave, abstol, reltol,
callback = odecb,)
@show sol.retcode

u = sol.u |> cpu_device()
t = sol.t |> cpu_device()
V = V |> cpu_device()
x, y = points(V)

u = hcat(u...)

Np = Nx * Ny
Nt = length(t)
Nb = length(mu)

Ng = Np * Nb
vx = reshape(u[1:Ng , :], 1, Np, Nb, Nt)
vy = reshape(u[1+Ng:end, :], 1, Np, Nb, Nt)

u = cat(vx, vy; dims = 1)

if !isnothing(dir)

mu = isnothing(mu) ? fill(nothing, size(u, 2)) |> Tuple : mu
x_save = reshape(vcat(x', y'), 2, Np)
grid = (Nx, Ny,)
metadata = (; Nx, Ny, ν, grid, readme = "u [Nx, Nbatch, Nt]")

filename = joinpath(dir, "data.jld2")
jldsave(filename; x = x_save, u, t, mu, metadata)

for case in 1:size(u, 3)
x_re = reshape(x , Nx, Ny)
y_re = reshape(y , Nx, Ny)

_x = x_re[:, 1]
_y = y_re[1, :]

It = LinRange(1, ntsave, 90) .|> Base.Fix1(round, Int)

vx_re = reshape(u[1,:,case,:], Nx, Ny, :)
vy_re = reshape(u[2,:,case,:], Nx, Ny, :)

V1D = FourierSpace(Nx; domain = interval)
vx_slice = Tuple(diag(vx_re[: ,:, i]) for i in It)
vx_slice = hcat(vx_slice...)

anim = animate(vx_slice, V1D, t; w = 2.0, title = "vx(x=y)")
filename = joinpath(dir, "burgers_case$(case)_slice3" * ".gif")
gif(anim, filename, fps = 30)


# anim = animate(reshape(vx_re, N, :), V, sol.t)
# filename = joinpath(dir, "burgers_vx" * ".gif")
# gif(anim, filename, fps=100)
# anim = animate(reshape(vy_re, N, :), V, sol.t)
# filename = joinpath(dir, "burgers_vy" * ".gif")
# gif(anim, filename, fps=100)

It = LinRange(1, ntsave, 4) .|> Base.Fix1(round, Int)

for (i, id) in enumerate(It)
_u_re = vx_re[:, :, id]

p1 = heatmap(_x, _y, _u_re'; xlabel = L"x", ylabel = L"y", cmap = :viridis,)
png(p1, joinpath(dir, "heatmap_case$(case)_$i"))

(sol, V), (x, u, t, mu)

Nx = Ny = 512
ν = 1f-3
dir = joinpath(@__DIR__, "data_burgers2D")
device = gpu_device()
odealg = SSPRK43()
(sol, V), (x, u, t, mu) = burgers2D(Nx, Ny, ν; device, dir, odealg)


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