Challenge to apply for Acid Labs
To run this project localy, you must excecute rails s
Demo on Heroku
Do you need install:
- Ruby on Rails 5.1
- Postgresql
Install the gems, create de database and migrate the database.
bundle install
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
Verb URI Pattern
POST /login_form_post(.:format)
GET /users(.:format)
POST /users(.:format)
GET /users/new(.:format)
GET /users/:id/edit(.:format)
GET /users/:id(.:format)
PATCH /users/:id(.:format)
PUT /users/:id(.:format)
DELETE /users/:id(.:format)
POST /rest/login(.:format)
POST /rest/verify_user/:email(.:format)
- Vicente Retamal - Initial work - Personal GitHub