A Business Rule Engine that sits inside redis
gem install bredis
or in your Gemfile
gem 'bredis'
Make sure your redis server is running! Redis configuration is outside the scope of this README, but check out the Redis documentation.
require 'bredis'
$redis = Redis.new(:db => 3)
product_discount_rules = Bredis::RuleSet.new($redis, 'product_discount_rules')
product_discount_rules << {
'priority' => 1,
'id' => 1,
'op' => '?',
'lhs' => {
'id' => 2,
'lhs' => '$product',
'op' => '==',
'rhs' => 'shoes'
'rhs' => {
'id' => 3,
'lhs' => '$discount',
'op' => '=',
'rhs' => {
'id' => 7,
'lhs' =>'$fare',
'op' => '/',
'rhs' => 2}
product_discount_rules << {
'priority' => 2,
'id' => 4,
'op' => '?',
'lhs' => {
'id' => 5,
'lhs' => '$product',
'op' => '==',
'rhs' => 'shoes'
'rhs' => {
'id' => 6,
'lhs' => '$discount',
'op' => '=',
'rhs' => 200
product_discount_rules.evaluate({'$product' => 'shoes', '$fare' => 1279.52})
- uses a pure JSON DSL
- is pretty damn fast (4000 conditions are evaluated in 8 msec and takes only approx 2.5 MB of RAM)
- allows you to search the rules
- can import/export to pure json (file I/O)
- can specify priorities for rules and evaluate the first N matching, based on priority
- has a nice UI (not this version)
Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Schubert Cardozo. See LICENSE for further details.