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AWS Serverless POC

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AWS Solution


Small demo application which incorporates AWS API Gateway and several AWS Lambdas behind it. It's deployment has been tested with macOS, but should work under Linux & Windows as well.

Software requirements

The following software is to be installed to start:

  • python >= 3.8
  • pipenv
  • docker & docker-compose

Environment setup

(Linux or macOS. In Windows minor changes needed.)

Prepare python environment:

$ cd [repo root directory]
$ pipenv --python 3.8
$ pipenv shell
$ pipenv sync
$ pipenv sync --dev

List available tasks:

$ inv -l
Available tasks:

  local.autopep8                 >> Run autocorrection on python files.
  serverless.deploy              >> Deploy serverless application.                >> Serverless application status info. Including endpoints and api token.
  serverless.offline             >> Run serverless application in offline mode.
  serverless.rebuild-container   >> Build and run build container.
  serverless.remove              >> Remove serverless application.
  serverless.stop-container      >> Stop and remove sls container.

Export AWS credentials to authorize serverless (macOS and linux):

$ export AWS_REGION="[region here]"
$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="[access key id here]"
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="[secret access key here]"

Make sure Docker is running:

$ docker ps

Build and run the serverless container:

$ inv serverless.rebuild-container


$ inv serverless.deploy

Launching and stopping the application in the offline mode

Run offline api gateway emulator:

$ inv serverless.offline

Check available routes:

$ curl localhost:3000
  "currentRoute": "get - /",
  "error": "Serverless-offline: route not found.",
  "existingRoutes": [
    "post - /prod/poc/create_s3_bucket",
    "get - /prod/poc/list_s3_bucket/{bucket_name}",
    "post - /prod/poc/upload_to_s3_bucket"
  "statusCode": 404

Stop and remove offline api gateway emulator:

$ inv serverless.stop-container

Run demo script

$ inv serverless.offline

This will do the following:

  • Create s3 bucket
  • Generate several random files
  • Upload them concurrently to s3
  • In order to utilize API Gateway and Lambdas, set the proper endpoint and token (env: TEST_POC_API_KEY, env: BASE_URL). They can be found in the output of inv command.
$ python

NB: do not forget to remove test s3 bucket after performing tests!

cURL examples

  • In the offline mode:
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/prod/poc/create_s3_bucket -H 'x-api-key: <fake key>' --data '{"region": "us-east-1", "bucket_name": "uniqnamedbucket"}'
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/prod/poc/upload_to_s3_bucket -H 'x-api-key: <fake key>' --data '{"bucket_name": "uniqnamedbucket"}'
$ curl -X GET  http://localhost:3000/prod/poc/list_s3_bucket/uniqnamedbucket -H "x-api-key: <fake key>"
  • Utilizing real API Gateway:
$ curl -X POST https://[API GATEWAY ENDPOINT]/prod/poc/create_s3_bucket -H 'x-api-key: <real key>' --data '{"region": "us-east-1", "bucket_name": "uniqnamedbucket"}'
$ curl -X POST https://[API GATEWAY ENDPOINT]/prod/poc/upload_to_s3_bucket -H 'x-api-key: <real key>' --data '{"bucket_name": "uniqnamedbucket"}'
$ curl -X GET  https://[API GATEWAY ENDPOINT]/prod/poc/list_s3_bucket/uniqnamedbucket -H "x-api-key: <real key>"

Application removal

Remove application along with all related resources:

$ inv serverless.remove

Stopping container

Stop and remove the serverless container:

$ inv serverless.stop-container