CMPE 165 Project
1. MySQL(JAWSDB on Heroku) - user, booking, hotel, room, reward, images, transactions
2. Express - Backend framework
3. React - Frontend library - component based design - communication with backend over AJAX/Axios
4. Node - Backend JS env - handles API calls and manage DB
- Inside /client,
npm install
to install dependencies and create ".env" file containing the following (replace YOUR_KEY) REACT_APP_AUTOCOMPLETE_URL=
npm start
to start react on port 3000- http://localhost:3000/ should automatically open up Any changes in /client should automatically reloaded in browser
Inside /server,
npm install
to install dependencies
npm start
to start react on port 3001
To view express server in browser, open http://localhost:3001/
The post request already saved in Spartan Hotels folder called Reservation, Reservation/cancellation, and Reservation/modify