A basic vagrant + puppet setup for PHP development environments, as explained in details on this post: http://www.erikaheidi.com/2013/07/10/a-beginners-guide-to-vagrant-and-puppet-part-3-facts-conditionals-modules-and-templates/
It comes with:
- Apache
- PHP 5.4
- phpmyadmin
- composer
more customization options are being planned.
Make sure you have both Vagrant and Virtualbox properly installed: http://www.erikaheidi.com/2013/07/02/a-begginers-guide-to-vagrant-getting-your-portable-development-environment/
If you just want to test vagrantee, this is the easier way.
git clone https://github.com/vagrantee/vagrantee.git
Init and update the submodules (puppet modules are added as submodules)
git submodule init
git submodule update
vagrant up
phpmyadmin will be available at
login: root, password: root
If you want to use vagrantee in an existent project while maintaining the puppet modules always up-to-date, you can add vagrantee as a git submodule. This way you have more flexibility for setting more customizations. Vagrantee itself will manage the other git submodules (puppet modules).
git submodule add https://github.com/vagrantee/vagrantee
Then go the vagrantee directory and run
git submodule init
git submodule update
And all the puppet modules will be initialized.
Now copy the Vagrantfile-project.example to your project root folder and rename it for Vagrantfile. By default, it will use the vagrantee/manifests/default.pp manifest , but you can use your own manifests, just change the path on the Vagrantfile to your own manifests path. Then you can set up specific settings by declaring the vagrantee module with some arguments, and also create additional configurations.