Release v0.13.0
0 commits
to 8985cfe09272b5c2ff54329bd326770626de85d2
since this release
0.13.0 (2022-06-06)
- add see also section at the bottom of an api-guide documentation (ad9db35)
Bug Fixes
- adjust the width of see-also-section and documentation-card components (271f0e0)
- documentation-card: adjust titleContainer marginBottom attribute (bf6c6d7)
- see-also-section: adjust section margin and title font-weight (cd9d091)
- adapt documentation-card component to work properly in the see-also-section component (ab578ff)
- rename two components (130e1d7)
- add a test for an api guides page and update the value of a selector (dcff4d0)