Release v1.10.0
1.10.0 (2023-12-11)
- add @vtexdocs/library dependency and update imports (e3114cf)
- add component lib build file (d0cc0a3)
- code-samples: add code samples page to showcase boilerplate repositories (331576c)
- codehike: install codehike (5b49d5e)
- components: add faststore components (6e0acb9)
- create alias for component lib filepath (b483d7b)
- create faststore page (d269385)
- editor: openapi preview (4836e77)
- faststore-components: add and update mocks examples (3c3d62c)
- faststore: add components (d70e57e)
- faststore: add faststore icon (2bc8fc8)
- faststore: add faststore icons and add global style (2873adf)
- faststore: add first version of faststore docs page (f07a808)
- faststore: add new images (34082e9)
- faststore: add remark and rehype plugins (2c66188)
- faststore: create steps component (feb515a)
- faststore: update main page (0347e25)
- faststore: update sidebar structure (28ed257)
- faststore: using logger (9180f6c)
- get all build files (c32ba10)
- markdown-renderer: add Tab and Tabs to faststore components (79810f9)
- pages: use code hike in all page types (fafa8ac)
- update rapidoc submodule (3ce25a2)
- update rapidoc submodule (66a6666)
- use MarkdownRenderer and toc from library (204aaab)
Bug Fixes
- add headingList as prop (4ceecea)
- api-reference: try to stop category indexing to prevent no-canonical errors by google crawler (029db98)
- apps: add warning about app version (b8be03e)
- change markdown renderer prop name (cc88231)
- codehiketheme: change folder and file name (c947ffa)
- edit [child].tsx (572170f)
- edit getChildDocApp.ts (ad4d2c9)
- faststore-components: remove propsection export (359fec9)
- faststore: add pagination, article title and description; fix frontmatter render (5893838)
- faststore: fix imports and exports (c315230)
- faststore: fix lint problems (e6d1af9)
- faststore: fix mocks imports (2c92f8d)
- faststore: get components from frontmatter (93da725)
- faststore: hydration error (6241cd5)
- faststore: remove branch argument (fe5192f)
- faststore: remove css reset and fix section component (4c77899)
- faststore: remove window usage (bdb3cf9)
- faststore: rename and add the faststore site components style to global css (1d988b8)
- faststore: update components and add scope (c98ed12)
- faststore: update components and scope (1a15ddd)
- faststore: use next-mdx-remote (25131c7)
- hide faststore menu and move it to guides (69a2561)
- mytheme: fix component declaration (e057f3b)
- mytheme: fix import (6d682a2)
- openapi preview: rapidoc route prefix (d955d66)
- openapi-preview: remove auth component (c289e97)
- package: removing esbuild and mdx-bundler (83957ed)
- propsSection: replacing process.cwd() (55d4eca)
- restore header (42fd828)
- server-sitemap: fix url redirects (cdfbac7)
- update callout message (890bb69)
- update faststore images paths (64c7f8f)
- update prebuild script (4706ede)
- update rapidoc submodule (b6d82dc)
- use announcements as header props (f737c39)
- use ImageGalleryViewer (b66986d)
- use library config (102bed3)
- use MarkdownRenderer from components lib (cd32d32)
- use router to check if it is preview (09dc196)
- api-reference: add additional wait to tests in reference page (f014c0c)
- documentation-page-status: add retries on error (36fdc7b)
- openapi-preview: update header text and remove unnecessary rapidoc attributes (0dac9aa)
- use header from library (538f7c6)
- use librarycontext (30eb652)
- use was this helpful component from lib (b2baaea)
- using search components from lib (d2300d3)
Revert Changes
- remove lib build files from public (6fdcd4b)
- code-samples: improve code-samples page (9e45814)
- delete all search related components (39c1a76)
- delete all sidebar related components (b03aeb3)
- delete mermaidInit file (2213fab)
- delete unused file (6a4923d)
- delete unused files (97f6ba3)
- global.css: update scrollycoding styles (a4aa47e)
- last-updates-section: min fixes (223b9ee)
- last-updates-section: update last release (5364b7b)
- markdown-preview: (temp) remove auth (0a60965)
- markdown-preview: enable codehike preview (8f8b3c7)
- markdown-preview: undo changes to markdown-preview (eafdf19)
- navigation.json: add release note to navigation (e7338b3)
- navigation.json: update api guides navigation (8e53e22)
- package.json: update faststore dependencies (3f73dbf)
- rapidoc: update rapidoc (2a7d22a)
- rapidoc: update rapidoc submodule (f1b8fb9)
- update component lib version (d76dd55)
- update components lib version (b14d2c2)
- update components lib version (398ffd1)
- update lock file (a3168d6)
- update yarn.lock (91af2c1)
- add components lib css (491657e)
- code-samples: add content and improve styles (1f018d1)
- global.css: fix code hike style (4bef05b)
- global: update codehike styles (958c054)
- guides: update codehike theme (8ac35fc)
- import utilities (1129476)
- release-notes: add info release type + improve styles (016108c)
- create redirect (ca3fb79)
- create redirects (48ac082)
- creating redirect (647c8ca)
- edit [slug].tsx (96fb7c5)
- edit api name (64655fb)
- edit getReferencePaths.ts (f7f31dd)
- edit netlify.toml (b525987)
- navigation: add intelligent search api (a585508)
- navigation: add LM api delete user (304792c)
- navigation: update auth guides (e32ceeb)
- navigation: update master data v1 title (222f30f)
- redirect (8c22200)