0 commits
to d4ecbdbaec7569650a8acd78f013fbabce780d1b
since this release
1.9.7 (2023-03-29)
overviewcard: add fulfillment icon (95de3dc )
overviewcard: add icons to overview card - getting started doc (a144def )
overviewcard: update icons (1f5c2e8 )
previewcontext: display name of the branch in use (3f5bfae )
previewcontext: update pages to use previewcontext (b11740a )
preview: enable preview mode (9fe11f1 )
preview: only add preview cookies if branch exists (3ccd6f4 )
tests: comment tests results summary in PR (796767e )
Bug Fixes
cypress-action: add action for waiting for pages to update (d86d936 )
disable-preview: fix value declared but never used (b7bd30e )
getreleasesdata: add missing branch param (9dae1d9 )
guides: add missing prop (af13536 )
prevent type errors (7932cf2 )
redirects: force redirects (cb39199 )
redirects: use correct http code (310dc64 )
sidebar: rerenders in sidebar (2b5d574 )
slug: update previewbranch (164e620 )
tests: add missing import statement and remove deleteLog plugin (60c2c83 )
tests: do not record screenshots and video (d7b67e6 )
tests: fix typo in test title (c27e12b )
tests: generate summary report even if cypress run failed (29db8da )
tests: increase timeout when waiting for netlify (ba97b1e )
tests: run comment PR action regardless of cypress run exit code (94b2d9e )
tsconfig: add nextjs config (c86dc5a )
tsconfig: who would've guessed tsconfig can get this hard (e949566 )
previewcontext: update pages to pass branch value (1d4989c )
redirects: use netlify redirects (3ba9cc2 )
sidebar: add sidebar-component class (96b9ba3 )
tsconfig: remove unecessary dependencies and change module resolution (730a3ad )
changed navigation.json (96a35f7 )
changed navigation.json (f172fd4 )
changed navigation.json (e8229cc )
changed navigation.json (3815191 )
changed navigation.json (59ad125 )
changed navigation.json (3b8bb44 )
changed url in navigation.json (c535aa3 )
navigation: add new guide: service path patterns (dca69e2 )
navigation: change order of authentication category in the getting started section (a51f1cf )
add cypress id to containers (7c2c779 )
api-reference: test sidebar navigation and check shadowDOM elements (d9de723 )
commands: add commands to get a random element inside of a list (9d53baf )
cypress: add error log to tests (f661a87 )
cypress: add log messages to documenation-pages-status test (2f072de )
cypress: add write and remove functios to manage log file (bce244c )
cypress: api guides tests (64fb15f )
cypress: conditional test if doc have TOC (23c9b32 )
cypress: open sidebar after page load in large screen (d340f2c )
cypress: prevent security erros from chrome (52c1072 )
cypress: set false to chromeWebSecurity (fe18549 )
documentation page status: fix double slash in url and multiple tests for same reference page (da6157b )
fix bug in documentation pages status test (068b60b )
plugins: add task plugin (97026d6 )
remove wrong index file and add reference tests (45a15e2 )
run documentation pages status test on a small number of pages (190b6cf )
package.json: update rapidoc version (9dbe46b )
package: add clipboardy (2b522c4 )
remove tests screenshots and videos from git track (a2a90b4 )
tracker: update tracker (2f73087 )
update cypress version (1ad1fa0 )
announcementbar: announcement bar not closable when in preview mode (96b003a )
api-reference: update rapi-doc fonts (d51967f )
article-pagination: update padding (b59152b )
article-pagination: use figma file as a reference for pagination component (2b0c811 )
rapidoc: update rapidoc version and styles (66a38bc )
You can’t perform that action at this time.