Releases: vtexdocs/devportal
Releases · vtexdocs/devportal
Release v1.9.12
Release v1.9.11
1.9.11 (2023-05-24)
- add authentication higher order component (e8dbfc1)
- add authentication to editor pages (435e1d2)
- add checkbox icon (010870b)
- add filter to release notes page (e51ce1e)
- add rapidoc to components (5ec43bb)
- add support for authentication (5d04e08)
- algolia-scraper: update attributes to retrieve (908c51d)
- api-references: add api pagination and other minor improv (4e10f6c)
- auth: add authentication to preview API route (634c31e)
- create multiselect component (dbf5293)
- customhighlights: add search-page behavior to customHighlight component (837e8f4)
- get list of action types (c3ca8b8)
- pages: add searchable attributes to doc pages head (9944a2e)
- search-card: add methodCategory (d4a94f7)
- search-card: update card style (d32cc25)
- search-page: add custom search results using instantsearch infinitehits hook (d80bf4a)
- search-page: open merged cards by default (ef36358)
- search-page: switch infinite scroll for pagination (91e012f)
- search-results: connect instantsearch with infinite hits hook (f66cce5)
- use submodule and add spec property to rapidoc (c9c2d12)
- using rapidoc lit component (4b7e95e)
Bug Fixes
- add @octokit/auth-app module to typings (528ec97)
- api-references: fix method type (3a03395)
- auth: fix auth component width in the first breakpoint (c02754b)
- check for custom element before defining (88750ae)
- comment lines that caused errors (2f21675)
- customhighlight: remove types any and text style (9366151)
- doctype name (c031a78)
- get endpoint value even if haven't description and remove mock from search card (c528e35)
- guides: correct type of pages from another documentation (c07c1bd)
- pages: add missing doc titles (4ac2a5e)
- replace package to perform open api parsing (0353bae)
- results-box: remove search state after rebase (ea88ac7)
- search-card: breadcrumbs behavior (db802ea)
- search-components: revert names of docsearch's searchable attributes (6e81f38)
- search-input: enable see all results button and connect the search bar with the search page (040c871)
- search-page: add no-result feedback (5c58219)
- search-page: clear filter when new search was fired (8406ceb)
- search-page: filter by facets (bfdde9c)
- search-page: update results text to match the selected filter (0f41e79)
- search: fix results width and update search index (f03a9fe)
- sidebar: fix sidebar searchbar placeholder text in editor pages (cbef791)
- sidebar: move section state to context and add correct behavior of sidebar to search page (2d2456c)
- use swagger-parse and dereference refs (e03f9b5)
- reference-page: get endpoint title in getStaticProps (0b2aa72)
- reference-page: add endpoint interface and remove method state (602b85f)
- search-input: close search box (f644e3b)
- update types and move search client to constants (f27b862)
- utils: move search functions to utils (ff2474f)
Revert Changes
- search-input: result text overflow (90569a9)
- api-reference: remove copy test (35803b5)
- cypress: fix reference page load (f9e531c)
- cypress: run on headed chrome and increase defaultCommandTimeout (30ee862)
- cypress: update the tests to consider the opened sidebar (f93d23c)
- add NextAuth package (9a34bfe)
- netlify.toml: add redirect for livestreaming app (13aba09)
- rapidoc: update submodule (4fd28e0)
- rapidoc: update submodule (9a35a2e)
- remove rapidoc files (b042fb6)
- update yarn.lock (b096cf8)
- update yarn.lock (5f638d5)
Release v1.9.10
1.9.10 (2023-05-06)
- apps: add Breadcrumbs and Pagination to app pages, among other minor improvements (0d701fd)
- lighthouse: add mean of performance results to the summary report (1c36a94)
- sidebar: support different openapi specs in the same category (f815289)
Bug Fixes
- apps: find in navbar despite version (d982dc4)
- cypress: fix file path in action (ec09e00)
- lighthouse: update action version (2b715da)
- nextjs shouldn't optimize image if it is a gif (1aa1ab9)
- sidebar: general api reference cases (447c3a0)
- navigation.json: added new release note to navigation (44fa6a9)
Revert Changes
- sidebar-section: sidebar shift (8901806)
Release v1.9.9
1.9.9 (2023-04-27)
- add api ref index generator index.tsx (da09561)
- add buttons to zoom and pan svgs (3d41e39)
- api-index: add api-index page (8dc8694)
- guides: add remark-mermaidjs plugin (23b4464)
- guides: use chromium executable path (e52fbbf)
- lighthouse: add toggle items to lighthouse summary report (62cb015)
- pages: update searchable attributes (80a7877)
- select-random-pages: improve algorithm to allow getting the same number of pages of each type (d8084d6)
- update lighthouse action version and comment PR with lighthouse results summary (c2fad50)
Bug Fixes
- add args and headless to launch options (a1560db)
- add lighthouse config file for setting screen resolution during performance tests (ebcb61b)
- add missing variable and debug command to lighthouse action (e19d642)
- adjust navigation.json (f7beab9)
- api-reference: get title and description from openapi overviews (df2670f)
- api-reference: retrieve title and description of patch-type endpoints (aae8543)
- create plugin to replace remark-mermaidjs (be55b79)
- don't send feedback if it's a test (c32cc7f)
- fix typo in lighthouse action (5ac2316)
- fix typo in lighthouse action (65f2390)
- fix typos in lighthouse action (438783d)
- guides: fix activeslug (8b5af4c)
- jsoneditorindex: remove setsidebar code (9f42841)
- jsoneditorindex: use typeof instead of instanceof (285d485)
- launch browser (1318e62)
- lighthouse: fix indentation (ae29684)
- lighthouse: fix typo (842f3d6)
- lighthouse: remove deploy url from comment (6d56408)
- lighthouse: run lighthouse in less pages (25f06d2)
- lighthouse: update action (3835a36)
- pages: apps navigation (93b6359)
- remove id and add width and height props to svg (ce705ca)
- replace chrome-aws-lambda (d9bc5d8)
- tests: update documentation-page-status test (ab289b3)
- tsconfig: add module declaration for @octokit/plugin-throttling (857d0ea)
- update from main (0c39c90)
- update lighthouse action to run on multiple pages (d74af74)
- use chromium.headless (499b554)
- use render method to generate diagram (c7c468d)
- using react-svg-pan-zoom (e7796aa)
- vtex-io-apps: update links vtex-io-apps page (1b100e1)
- wait for chromium executable path (68efe7c)
- update response component test (d4f9a02)
- markdown-renderer: remove highlightjs import using head link (508e2c1)
- adding missing api ref: adds new cards with missing api ref and corrects previous copies (b029e5a)
- fix navigation.json (985c9f4)
- fix navigation.json (786d655)
- navigation: fix promotions and taxes api (9002543)
- redirect for pricing hub: redirected 404 link for pricing hub API overview (3072688)
- redirect subscriptions (8c2aeb1)
- update navigation.json (4632a9f)
- update slug (e14f3fe)
- add puppeteer-core to dependencies (f77a6ac)
- add react-svg-pan-zoom to dependencies (16a9b57)
- package: update rapidoc version (cc48e50)
- update rapidoc version (0004785)
- announcementbar: changes the code of announcement bar to hide it (6862af4)
- api-index: edit headerDescription (fe0f4a8)
- tests: create function for randomly selecting documentation pages (2a28aa9)
- create mermaidjs diagram CSS file (5475f45)
- jsoneditorindex: add api ref index generator styles.ts (1e67fc6)
- lighthouse: remove unecessary line break (60faf3b)
- tests: remove unused import (40faf97)
- update mermaid diagram css (49787d7)
Release v1.9.8
1.9.8 (2023-04-11)
- add action for extensive testing (dc8f184)
- api: create feedback endpoint (5b10d4c)
- create encrypted file to store environment variables (0357902)
- feedback: send feedback to the respective endpoint (e18a7b0)
Bug Fixes
- components: fix modal and lightbox position (767f730)
- feedback: fix url sent with feedback (1e06747)
- feedback: modal should not wait for the request response (623f15f)
- feedback: send only one response (0467f0c)
- feedback: send sheets api response (e241bd7)
- get-variable: get working directory (a5739ec)
- reduce memory consumption on test runs (457fdd3)
- reset feedback when documentation changes (3a41499)
- use getVariable to get environment variables (33a734f)
- add googleapis dependency (4496437)
- remove console log (37ea5a5)
Release v1.9.7
1.9.7 (2023-03-29)
- overviewcard: add fulfillment icon (95de3dc)
- overviewcard: add icons to overview card - getting started doc (a144def)
- overviewcard: update icons (1f5c2e8)
- previewcontext: display name of the branch in use (3f5bfae)
- previewcontext: update pages to use previewcontext (b11740a)
- preview: enable preview mode (9fe11f1)
- preview: only add preview cookies if branch exists (3ccd6f4)
- tests: comment tests results summary in PR (796767e)
Bug Fixes
- cypress-action: add action for waiting for pages to update (d86d936)
- disable-preview: fix value declared but never used (b7bd30e)
- getreleasesdata: add missing branch param (9dae1d9)
- guides: add missing prop (af13536)
- prevent type errors (7932cf2)
- redirects: force redirects (cb39199)
- redirects: use correct http code (310dc64)
- sidebar: rerenders in sidebar (2b5d574)
- slug: update previewbranch (164e620)
- tests: add missing import statement and remove deleteLog plugin (60c2c83)
- tests: do not record screenshots and video (d7b67e6)
- tests: fix typo in test title (c27e12b)
- tests: generate summary report even if cypress run failed (29db8da)
- tests: increase timeout when waiting for netlify (ba97b1e)
- tests: run comment PR action regardless of cypress run exit code (94b2d9e)
- tsconfig: add nextjs config (c86dc5a)
- tsconfig: who would've guessed tsconfig can get this hard (e949566)
- package.json: add clipboardy dependency (644ee97)
- update yarn.lock (1586fa8)
- update yarn.lock (504779e)
- previewcontext: update pages to pass branch value (1d4989c)
- redirects: use netlify redirects (3ba9cc2)
- sidebar: add sidebar-component class (96b9ba3)
- tsconfig: remove unecessary dependencies and change module resolution (730a3ad)
- changed navigation.json (96a35f7)
- changed navigation.json (f172fd4)
- changed navigation.json (e8229cc)
- changed navigation.json (3815191)
- changed navigation.json (59ad125)
- changed navigation.json (3b8bb44)
- changed url in navigation.json (c535aa3)
- navigation: add new guide: service path patterns (dca69e2)
- navigation: change order of authentication category in the getting started section (a51f1cf)
- add cypress id to containers (7c2c779)
- api-reference: test sidebar navigation and check shadowDOM elements (d9de723)
- commands: add commands to get a random element inside of a list (9d53baf)
- cypress: add error log to tests (f661a87)
- cypress: add log messages to documenation-pages-status test (2f072de)
- cypress: add write and remove functios to manage log file (bce244c)
- cypress: api guides tests (64fb15f)
- cypress: conditional test if doc have TOC (23c9b32)
- cypress: open sidebar after page load in large screen (d340f2c)
- cypress: prevent security erros from chrome (52c1072)
- cypress: set false to chromeWebSecurity (fe18549)
- documentation page status: fix double slash in url and multiple tests for same reference page (da6157b)
- fix bug in documentation pages status test (068b60b)
- plugins: add task plugin (97026d6)
- remove wrong index file and add reference tests (45a15e2)
- run documentation pages status test on a small number of pages (190b6cf)
- package.json: update rapidoc version (9dbe46b)
- package: add clipboardy (2b522c4)
- remove tests screenshots and videos from git track (a2a90b4)
- tracker: update tracker (2f73087)
- update cypress version (1ad1fa0)
- announcementbar: announcement bar not closable when in preview mode (96b003a)
- api-reference: update rapi-doc fonts (d51967f)
- article-pagination: update padding (b59152b)
- article-pagination: use figma file as a reference for pagination component (2b0c811)
- rapidoc: update rapidoc version and styles ([66a38bc](66a38bc...