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chore: release 1.0.0 rc.4.5 (#244)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* feat: added support for Virtual and Downloadable products (#199)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* chore: updated README with new VSF brand

* refactor(documentation): refine project setup description (#201)

* fix(composables): remove redundant debugger statement (#202)

* docs: add @bartoszherba as a contributor

* chore: release 1.0.0-rc.4.1

* feat(theme): #158 add cart coupon code input (#207)

* fix(composables): solved duplicate addresses when creating an order (#208)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* fix: removed debugger

* fix(file): removed __typename in $input params

* fix(composable): added customer_address_id

Added customer_address_id in billing and shipping step during the checkout

* docs: added @KevinGorjan as contributor

* fix(composable): solved cart data update on login/logout action (#209)

* refactor(theme): fixed core web vitalls results

* feat: add auto deploy for demo on VSF cloud (#212)

* init: cicd

* Update .vuestorefrontcloud/docker/Dockerfile

* Update .github/workflows/deploy-vue-storefront-cloud.yml

Co-authored-by: Heitor Ramon Ribeiro <[email protected]>

* refactor(api-client): fixed categoryList.ts query

* refactor(api-client): fixed categorySearch.ts query

* fix(composables): fixed adding to wishlist (#213)

* fix(theme): region was losing the state in shipping / billing step (#214)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* fix: removed debugger

* fix(file): removed __typename in $input params

* fix(composable): added customer_address_id

Added customer_address_id in billing and shipping step during the checkout

* docs: added @KevinGorjan as contributor

* fix(theme): fixed losing region value

* refactor: improvements in GraphQL client & package updates (#210)

* refactor(eslint): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-config-airbnb-typescript** to **14.0.1**
- eslint-plugin-unicorn** to **37.0.1**

* refactor(eslint-import): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-import** to **2.25.2**

* refactor(eslint-jest): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-jest** to **25.2.2**

* refactor(eslint-typescript): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin** to **5.1.0**
- updated **@typescript-eslint/parser** to **5.1.0**

* refactor(eslint-vue): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-vue** to **7.19.1**

* refactor(api-client): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@apollo/client** to **3.4.16**
- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.3**
- updated **graphql** to **15.6.1**
- updated **@rollup/plugin-commonjs** to **21.0.0**
- updated **typescript** to **4.4.4**

* refactor(composables): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.3**
- updated **@types/js-cookie** to **3.0.0**
- updated **jsdom** to **18.0.0**

* refactor(theme): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@storefront-ui/vue** to **0.11.0**
- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.3**
- updated **@vue-storefront/middleware** to **2.4.3**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt** to **2.4.3**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme** to **2.4.3**
- updated **babel-jest** to **27.3.0**
- updated **cypress** to **8.6.0**
- updated **cypress-tags** to **0.3.0**
- updated **jest** to **27.3.0**
- updated **jest-watch-typeahead** to ****
- updated **** to **1.0.0**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.3**
- updated **mochawesome** to **6.3.1**
- updated **ts-jest** to **27.0.7**
- updated **typescript** to **4.4.4**

* refactor(theme): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@babel/core** to **7.15.8**
- updated **@commitlint/cli** to **13.2.1**
- updated **@commitlint/config-conventional** to **13.2.0**
- updated **@commitlint/config-lerna-scopes** to **13.2.0**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/cli** to **2.2.1**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript** to **2.2.4**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations** to **2.1.8**
- updated **@types/node** to **16.11.1**
- updated **@typescript-eslint/parser** to **5.1.0**
- updated **@vue/eslint-config-typescript** to ****
- updated **** to **8.0.0**
- updated **eslint** to **8.0.1**
- updated **jest** to **27.3.0**
- updated **jest-watch-typeahead** to **1.0.0**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.3**
- updated **ts-jest** to **27.0.7**
- updated **ts-node** to **10.3.0**
- updated **vue-eslint-parser** to **8.0.0**

* refactor(api-client): removed image from category query

* refactor(api-client): added new Apollo caching options

* refactor(theme): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@vue-storefront/middleware** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme** to **2.4.5**
- updated **convict** to **6.2.1**
- updated **babel-jest** to **27.3.1**
- updated **jest** to **27.3.1**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.4**

* refactor(eslint): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-promise** to **5.1.1**

* refactor(eslint-vue): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-vue** to **7.20.0**

* refactor(api-client): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@rollup/plugin-commonjs** to **21.0.1**

* refactor(composables): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.5**

* refactor: updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@graphql-codegen/cli** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript** to **2.2.4**
- updated **@graphql-tools/utils** to **8.5.0**
- updated **@types/node** to **16.11.4**
- updated **eslint** to **8.1.0**
- updated **husky** to **7.0.4**
- updated **jest** to **27.3.1**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.4**
- updated **rollup** to **2.58.1**
- updated **ts-node** to **10.4.0**

* chore: updated codegen.yml

* refactor(composables): removed CheckoutGetters typings

* chore(api-client): updated GraphQL schema

* feat(api-client): added currency and store header

* feat(composables): added currency and store header

* fix(composables): fixed cookie values (#216)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* fix: removed debugger

* fix(file): removed __typename in $input params

* fix(composable): added customer_address_id

Added customer_address_id in billing and shipping step during the checkout

* docs: added @KevinGorjan as contributor

* fix(theme): fixed losing region value

* bug(composables): fixed cookie values

* chore: fixed vue-demi version on 0.11.4

* fix(theme): remove duplicated api call (#225)

* refactor: add pagination in user order and wishlist and enhance API speed (#224)

* refactor(api-client): removed fetchPolicy to prepare for future :)

* refactor(api-client): changed base pageSize to 10

* refactor(api-client): added parameters for userOrder pagination

* refactor(api-client): added parameters for user wishlist pagination

* refactor(theme): changed default pageSize to 10

* refactor(api-client): changed base pageSize to 10

* refactor(theme): reduce category pagesize

* refactor(api-client): enable default useGETForQueries to true for apollo-http-link (#227)

* refactor(api-client): fixed missing type

* refactor(theme): fixed sidebar loading

* refactor(theme): removed minimal char amount in street fixes #232 (#233)

* refactor: updated dependencies & fixed miss configuration on `api-client` (#234)

* chore(eslint): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-config-airbnb-base** to **15.0.0**
- updated **eslint-config-airbnb-typescript** to **15.0.0**
- updated **eslint-plugin-unicorn** to **38.0.1**

* chore(eslint-import): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-import** to **2.25.3**

* chore(eslint-jest): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-jest** to **25.2.4**

* chore(eslint-typescript): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin** to **5.3.1**
- updated **@typescript-eslint/parser** to **5.3.1**

* chore(eslint-vue): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-vue** to **8.0.3**

* chore(api-client): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@apollo/client** to **3.4.17**
- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.5.0**
- updated **graphql** to **16.0.1**
- updated **graphql-tag** to **2.12.6**

* chore(composables): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.5.0**
- updated **jsdom** to **18.0.1**
- updated **@nuxtjs/composition-api** to **0.29.3**

* chore(theme): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.5.0**
- updated **@vue-storefront/middleware** to **2.5.0**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt** to **2.5.0**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme** to **2.5.0**
- updated **@storefront-ui/vue** to **0.11.2**
- updated **vee-validate** to **3.4.14**
- updated **cypress** to **9.0.0**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.6**
- updated **mochawesome** to **7.0.1**
- updated **mochawesome-report-generator** to **6.0.1**
- updated **npm-check-updates** to **12.0.2**

* chore: update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@babel/core** to **7.16.0**
- updated **@babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods** to **7.16.0**
- updated **@commitlint/cli** to **14.1.0**
- updated **@commitlint/config-conventional** to **14.1.0**
- updated **@commitlint/config-lerna-scopes** to **14.1.0**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/cli** to **14.1.0**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript** to **2.3.1**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations** to **2.2.0**
- updated **@graphql-tools/utils** to **8.5.3**
- updated **@manypkg/cli** to **0.19.1**
- updated **@types/node** to **16.11.7**
- updated **@typescript-eslint/parser** to **5.3.1**
- updated **@vue/eslint-config-typescript** to **9.0.1**
- updated **eslint** to **8.2.0**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.6**
- updated **npm-check-updates** to **12.0.2**
- updated **rollup** to **2.59.0**
- updated **vue-eslint-parser** to **8.0.1**

* refactor(composables): removed vue-demi and added @nuxtjs/composition-api

* refactor(theme): removed composition-api and added @nuxtjs/composition-api

* refactor(theme): fixed composition-api applications

* refactor: fixed rollup building script

* refactor(api-client): removed the useGETForQueries as default

* refactor(theme): added the useGETForQueries as option for config

* chore: fixed webpack version

* refactor(composables): upadate the usage to @vue/composition-api

* docs: added information about caching GraphQL

* refactor(theme): fixed useUiHelper composable with new composition-api

* bugfix: closes #238 #236 #228 #231 #239 #230 #229 (#240)

* refactor(theme): fix password RegExp

- fixes #238

* refactor(theme): fix category not displaying products

- fixes #236

* refactor: fix customizable product not being able to add t o cart

- fixes #228

* refactor: fix notification on password change.

- fixes #231

* refactor(theme): added no-fetch param to CategorySidebarMenu.vue

* refactor: fix over pagination

- fixes #239

* refactor(theme): fix filter product not showing result

- fixes #230

* refactor: fix wishlist icon not showing for product card

- fixes #229

* chore: release version 1.0.0 rc.4.5 (#242)

* chore: release version 1.0.0 rc.4.4 (#241)

* feat: added support for Virtual and Downloadable products (#199)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* chore: updated README with new VSF brand

* refactor(documentation): refine project setup description (#201)

* fix(composables): remove redundant debugger statement (#202)

* docs: add @bartoszherba as a contributor

* chore: release 1.0.0-rc.4.1

* feat(theme): #158 add cart coupon code input (#207)

* fix(composables): solved duplicate addresses when creating an order (#208)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* fix: removed debugger

* fix(file): removed __typename in $input params

* fix(composable): added customer_address_id

Added customer_address_id in billing and shipping step during the checkout

* docs: added @KevinGorjan as contributor

* fix(composable): solved cart data update on login/logout action (#209)

* refactor(theme): fixed core web vitalls results

* feat: add auto deploy for demo on VSF cloud (#212)

* init: cicd

* Update .vuestorefrontcloud/docker/Dockerfile

* Update .github/workflows/deploy-vue-storefront-cloud.yml

Co-authored-by: Heitor Ramon Ribeiro <[email protected]>

* refactor(api-client): fixed categoryList.ts query

* refactor(api-client): fixed categorySearch.ts query

* fix(composables): fixed adding to wishlist (#213)

* fix(theme): region was losing the state in shipping / billing step (#214)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* fix: removed debugger

* fix(file): removed __typename in $input params

* fix(composable): added customer_address_id

Added customer_address_id in billing and shipping step during the checkout

* docs: added @KevinGorjan as contributor

* fix(theme): fixed losing region value

* refactor: improvements in GraphQL client & package updates (#210)

* refactor(eslint): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-config-airbnb-typescript** to **14.0.1**
- eslint-plugin-unicorn** to **37.0.1**

* refactor(eslint-import): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-import** to **2.25.2**

* refactor(eslint-jest): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-jest** to **25.2.2**

* refactor(eslint-typescript): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin** to **5.1.0**
- updated **@typescript-eslint/parser** to **5.1.0**

* refactor(eslint-vue): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-vue** to **7.19.1**

* refactor(api-client): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@apollo/client** to **3.4.16**
- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.3**
- updated **graphql** to **15.6.1**
- updated **@rollup/plugin-commonjs** to **21.0.0**
- updated **typescript** to **4.4.4**

* refactor(composables): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.3**
- updated **@types/js-cookie** to **3.0.0**
- updated **jsdom** to **18.0.0**

* refactor(theme): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@storefront-ui/vue** to **0.11.0**
- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.3**
- updated **@vue-storefront/middleware** to **2.4.3**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt** to **2.4.3**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme** to **2.4.3**
- updated **babel-jest** to **27.3.0**
- updated **cypress** to **8.6.0**
- updated **cypress-tags** to **0.3.0**
- updated **jest** to **27.3.0**
- updated **jest-watch-typeahead** to ****
- updated **** to **1.0.0**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.3**
- updated **mochawesome** to **6.3.1**
- updated **ts-jest** to **27.0.7**
- updated **typescript** to **4.4.4**

* refactor(theme): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@babel/core** to **7.15.8**
- updated **@commitlint/cli** to **13.2.1**
- updated **@commitlint/config-conventional** to **13.2.0**
- updated **@commitlint/config-lerna-scopes** to **13.2.0**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/cli** to **2.2.1**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript** to **2.2.4**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations** to **2.1.8**
- updated **@types/node** to **16.11.1**
- updated **@typescript-eslint/parser** to **5.1.0**
- updated **@vue/eslint-config-typescript** to ****
- updated **** to **8.0.0**
- updated **eslint** to **8.0.1**
- updated **jest** to **27.3.0**
- updated **jest-watch-typeahead** to **1.0.0**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.3**
- updated **ts-jest** to **27.0.7**
- updated **ts-node** to **10.3.0**
- updated **vue-eslint-parser** to **8.0.0**

* refactor(api-client): removed image from category query

* refactor(api-client): added new Apollo caching options

* refactor(theme): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@vue-storefront/middleware** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme** to **2.4.5**
- updated **convict** to **6.2.1**
- updated **babel-jest** to **27.3.1**
- updated **jest** to **27.3.1**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.4**

* refactor(eslint): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-promise** to **5.1.1**

* refactor(eslint-vue): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-vue** to **7.20.0**

* refactor(api-client): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@rollup/plugin-commonjs** to **21.0.1**

* refactor(composables): updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.4.5**

* refactor: updated dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@graphql-codegen/cli** to **2.4.5**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript** to **2.2.4**
- updated **@graphql-tools/utils** to **8.5.0**
- updated **@types/node** to **16.11.4**
- updated **eslint** to **8.1.0**
- updated **husky** to **7.0.4**
- updated **jest** to **27.3.1**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.4**
- updated **rollup** to **2.58.1**
- updated **ts-node** to **10.4.0**

* chore: updated codegen.yml

* refactor(composables): removed CheckoutGetters typings

* chore(api-client): updated GraphQL schema

* feat(api-client): added currency and store header

* feat(composables): added currency and store header

* fix(composables): fixed cookie values (#216)

* feat(downloadable products): created add query + async call

* feat(downloadable products): updated schema.graphql

* feat(downloadable products): added method and modified productDetail query

* feat(downloadable products): added missing exports, methods and GraphQL types

* feat(downloadable products): updated useCart so downloadable products can be added to the cart

* feat(virtual product): updated graphql

* feat(virtual products): created api method

* feat(virtal product): updated useCart

* feat(virtual products): added missing imports + TS interfaces

* fix: removed debugger

* fix(file): removed __typename in $input params

* fix(composable): added customer_address_id

Added customer_address_id in billing and shipping step during the checkout

* docs: added @KevinGorjan as contributor

* fix(theme): fixed losing region value

* bug(composables): fixed cookie values

* chore: fixed vue-demi version on 0.11.4

* fix(theme): remove duplicated api call (#225)

* refactor: add pagination in user order and wishlist and enhance API speed (#224)

* refactor(api-client): removed fetchPolicy to prepare for future :)

* refactor(api-client): changed base pageSize to 10

* refactor(api-client): added parameters for userOrder pagination

* refactor(api-client): added parameters for user wishlist pagination

* refactor(theme): changed default pageSize to 10

* refactor(api-client): changed base pageSize to 10

* refactor(theme): reduce category pagesize

* refactor(api-client): enable default useGETForQueries to true for apollo-http-link (#227)

* refactor(api-client): fixed missing type

* refactor(theme): fixed sidebar loading

* refactor(theme): removed minimal char amount in street fixes #232 (#233)

* refactor: updated dependencies & fixed miss configuration on `api-client` (#234)

* chore(eslint): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-config-airbnb-base** to **15.0.0**
- updated **eslint-config-airbnb-typescript** to **15.0.0**
- updated **eslint-plugin-unicorn** to **38.0.1**

* chore(eslint-import): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-import** to **2.25.3**

* chore(eslint-jest): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-jest** to **25.2.4**

* chore(eslint-typescript): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin** to **5.3.1**
- updated **@typescript-eslint/parser** to **5.3.1**

* chore(eslint-vue): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **eslint-plugin-vue** to **8.0.3**

* chore(api-client): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@apollo/client** to **3.4.17**
- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.5.0**
- updated **graphql** to **16.0.1**
- updated **graphql-tag** to **2.12.6**

* chore(composables): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.5.0**
- updated **jsdom** to **18.0.1**
- updated **@nuxtjs/composition-api** to **0.29.3**

* chore(theme): update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@vue-storefront/core** to **2.5.0**
- updated **@vue-storefront/middleware** to **2.5.0**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt** to **2.5.0**
- updated **@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme** to **2.5.0**
- updated **@storefront-ui/vue** to **0.11.2**
- updated **vee-validate** to **3.4.14**
- updated **cypress** to **9.0.0**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.6**
- updated **mochawesome** to **7.0.1**
- updated **mochawesome-report-generator** to **6.0.1**
- updated **npm-check-updates** to **12.0.2**

* chore: update dependencies and devDependencies

- updated **@babel/core** to **7.16.0**
- updated **@babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods** to **7.16.0**
- updated **@commitlint/cli** to **14.1.0**
- updated **@commitlint/config-conventional** to **14.1.0**
- updated **@commitlint/config-lerna-scopes** to **14.1.0**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/cli** to **14.1.0**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript** to **2.3.1**
- updated **@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations** to **2.2.0**
- updated **@graphql-tools/utils** to **8.5.3**
- updated **@manypkg/cli** to **0.19.1**
- updated **@types/node** to **16.11.7**
- updated **@typescript-eslint/parser** to **5.3.1**
- updated **@vue/eslint-config-typescript** to **9.0.1**
- updated **eslint** to **8.2.0**
- updated **lint-staged** to **11.2.6**
- updated **npm-check-updates** to **12.0.2**
- updated **rollup** to **2.59.0**
- updated **vue-eslint-parser** to **8.0.1**

* refactor(composables): removed vue-demi and added @nuxtjs/composition-api

* refactor(theme): removed composition-api and added @nuxtjs/composition-api

* refactor(theme): fixed composition-api applications

* refactor: fixed rollup building script

* refactor(api-client): removed the useGETForQueries as default

* refactor(theme): added the useGETForQueries as option for config

* chore: fixed webpack version

* refactor(composables): upadate the usage to @vue/composition-api

* docs: added information about caching GraphQL

* refactor(theme): fixed useUiHelper composable with new composition-api

* bugfix: closes #238 #236 #228 #231 #239 #230 #229 (#240)

* refactor(theme): fix password RegExp

- fixes #238

* refactor(theme): fix category not displaying products

- fixes #236

* refactor: fix customizable product not being able to add t o cart

- fixes #228

* refactor: fix notification on password change.

- fixes #231

* refactor(theme): added no-fetch param to CategorySidebarMenu.vue

* refactor: fix over pagination

- fixes #239

* refactor(theme): fix filter product not showing result

- fixes #230

* refactor: fix wishlist icon not showing for product card

- fixes #229

* docs: fix wrong link

* docs: updated API documentation

* docs: added useStore doc

* chore: release 1.0.0-rc.4.4

Co-authored-by: Kevin Gorjan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Bartosz Herba <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: byakku <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Bogdan Podlesnii <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jonas Agnezi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Arnoult <[email protected]>

* chore: removed console.log

* chore: release version 1.0.0 rc.4.5

Co-authored-by: Kevin Gorjan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Bartosz Herba <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: byakku <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Bogdan Podlesnii <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jonas Agnezi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Arnoult <[email protected]>

* chore(api-client): updated GraphQL schema

Co-authored-by: Kevin Gorjan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Bartosz Herba <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: byakku <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Bogdan Podlesnii <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jonas Agnezi <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Arnoult <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
7 people authored Nov 13, 2021
1 parent b21fca7 commit eefcb28
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Showing 8 changed files with 4,845 additions and 4,848 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/guide/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ sub process_graphql_headers {
> Query results should not be cached for logged in customers, because it cannot be guaranteed that these results are applicable to all customers. For example, you can create multiple customer groups and set up different product prices for each group. Caching results like these might cause customers to see the prices of another customer group.
You can find more information about this topic at [](
You can find more information about this topic at

3. Open the `middleware.config.js` file, it should be located on the root folder of your store, there you will change the flag `useGETForQueries` to `true` to enable the usage of GET request for queries

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/api-client/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@vue-storefront/magento-api",
"version": "1.0.0-rc.4.4",
"version": "1.0.0-rc.4.5",
"sideEffects": false,
"homepage": "",
"bugs": {
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