We're proudly presenting the Vue Storefront v1.1.0!
Shortly after the 1.0 release, we do not slow down the pace. We plan to keep the monthly release cycle with new features + improvements.
Please read the UPGRADE NOTES before pulling out the latest changes
Key new features
In this version, we've added few really cool features:
- Zip Code validation [#1372]
- Get inpspired block [#968]
- Favicon [#836]
- Webpack config + refactoring [#1250]
- Account page updates [#1323]
- UI fixes [#901]
- Vuex Store extensions fixes [#1028, #1102]
- MS Edge + IE10 fixes [#1266]
- IndexedDB locking issue
- JS bundle size reduced by -40% (!)
- Added PM2 process manager [#1162]
- Added billing data phone number support [#1338]
- Added validation labels + generic control for CountrySelector [#1227]
- Offline mode Push Notification support [#1348, #1122, #1317]
- Added billing data phone number support [#1338]
- PoC of API refactoring for the cart module [#1316]
- Sort feature added [#671]
- Page loader [#1240]
- Production ready Docker config for vue-storefront-api
- Magento CMS support [#1328]
- Prices incl. tax support (Magento setting)
Please check it out: visit: https://demo.vuestorefront.io/
We're trying to map all the feature requirements for next major editions (1.2, 1.3 ...). Please do contact us at [email protected] if you would like to share some thoughts.
Credits for 1.1.0
Special thanks to all contributors, especially the core team
Alina Drozd @alinadivante - Cypress integration tests
Paweł Szafrański @szafran89 - a lot of UX tweaks + fixes
David Rouyer @DavidRouyer - webpack configuration refactor + bundle optimization
Tomek Kikowski @qiqqq - fixes + improvements
Akbar Abdrakhmanov @akbarik - My Account fixes
Damian Fiałkiewicz - @Aekal - country selector + other fixes
Filip Rakowski - @filrak - core-api refactor PoC + fixes
Janusz Janczy - @Januszpl - more integration tests
Paweł Szreder - @pszreder - production Docker setup for vue-storefront-api
Anna Karon - @anqaka - Magento CMS support
Marcin lasak - @marlass - image lazy load fixes
Stasiek Świątkiewicz @StasiekDivante - UX tests + improvements
Raymond Wojtala - partner onboarding
Artur Wala - user support
If you want to appear on this list with the next release, don't hesitate to become a contributor. Just drop us an e-mail to [email protected]