This is Bing Broken Bottle project created for mass IP range scanning in order to get domain names using Bing RSS as vulnerability. As long as bing gives hard limits on search, we found a way to bypass it.
Everything is ready to go.
1)Please upload file info.sql into database with name umbrella. If you don't know how to upload sql dump please search for information about phpmyadmin - import/export. Use utf8_general_ci when creating database.
Navigate into config.php file and edit desired lines.
Access root folder from web using Apache+PHP+Mysql and you will see front page of information search.
and here is example of how you can scan
(could be found on inst.php)
Enter the range on single or mass range on desired pages
Then press the button of generation of a range
After we generate batch file and download it
Download curl file from website
Unpack the archive or use use the verion placed in root in bin folder
Start start.bat - watch the progress of the scan
After the scan is over, go to the database item and start searching